Minister Soylu’s reaction to the allegations that ‘Malatya is among the provinces least affected by the disaster’

by time news

Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu made a statement on his Twitter account regarding the allegations that Malatya was included among the provinces least affected by the disaster by the Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD). Minister Soylu made the following statements in his statements:


“Every day a different disinformation about disaster areas on social media. After Hatay, it’s the lie about Malatya, ‘Malatya is among the provinces less affected by the disaster.’ Words are too much, but it’s not time. Our fellow citizens of Malatya should not give credit to these lies. We are at their command. We will continue to heal our wounds in unity. Let’s look at the truth: Provinces Supporting Our Disaster Affected Provinces; Our Kahramanmaraş province is examined by Zonguldak Province AFAD, Hatay province is supported by Trabzon Province AFAD, Malatya province is supported by AFAD. Supported by the Provincial AFAD and the Presidency, it is examined together with Malatya Provincial AFAD, our Adıyaman province is supported by İzmir Provincial AFAD, our Diyarbakır province is supported by the Presidency, and our Adana, Kilis, Osmaniye, Şanlıurfa, Gaziantep and Elazığ provinces are examined by the provincial AFAD Directorates.

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