Ministry of Immigration and Absorption: More than 5,000 immigrants to Israel since the outbreak of hostilities in Ukraine

by time news

Breaking news

The Ministry of Immigration and Absorption announced that the threshold of 5,000 immigrants had been crossed since the outbreak of hostilities as part of Operation Immigrants Home for Emergency Absorption of Eligible for Return Law from Ukraine and its Environs. Office workers are expected to welcome at least another 400 immigrants from Ukraine today.

Minister of Aliyah and Absorption Pnina Tamano Sheta: “To understand the magnitude of the hour, one must meet face to face with the new immigrants who have immigrated from the war zones in recent days, left their homes, some left a family behind and came to Israel destitute. We have the right to stand by them and absorb them in Israel in their difficult time. This is a home for them and as the Minister of Immigration and Absorption I will do everything to have an easy and good absorption for them. “

Eric Bender
17/03/2022 13:48

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