Ministry of Production promotes the growth and competitiveness of Ecuadorian MSMEs – 2024-07-16 04:16:58

by times news cr

2024-07-16 04:16:58

The Ministry of Production, Foreign Trade, Investments and Fisheries (MPCEIP) works to promote and strengthen Ecuadorian Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), recognizing their fundamental role in the national economy. During the period between November 2023 and May 2024, the MPCEIP has implemented numerous initiatives to foster the growth and competitiveness of this important sector, obtaining tangible results in various areas.

Among the most notable achievements are the organization of 73 production fairs and 52 commercial links, as well as the holding of four SME Ecuador events in different cities of the country. These initiatives have not only facilitated the access of 2,269 MSMEs to the national market, but have also contributed to strengthening their presence and recognition in the commercial field.

In addition, more than 9,670 attendees and 604 production units have been directly benefited through these activities, reflecting the positive impact in terms of increased sales and consolidation of the brand image for the participating companies.

The MPCEIP has also focused its efforts on training 4,069 production units in Quality Management Systems, GMP certification and formalization in specific registries, facilitating categorization in the single artisan registry, single registry of MSMEs and the national entrepreneurship registry.

In the area of ​​technical support and entrepreneurship, 3,404 technical assistance sessions have been provided for the development and consolidation of projects, as well as the training of 5,162 citizens in basic tools for entrepreneurship and business strengthening.

Additionally, collaboration has been promoted with academic institutions and specialized technicians for the creation of 518 brand designs, product improvements, packaging, labeling and corporate image for production units.

As for initiatives with international collaboration, the MPCEIP has implemented the delivery of 1,000 productive scholarships aimed at entrepreneurs, artisans, micro, small and medium-sized businesses in the country, with ADEN University. Likewise, cooperation has been extended with the Organization of American States (OAS) and the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) for the creation of Local Economic Development Centers for SMEs (SBDC), thus strengthening the presence and capabilities of Ecuadorian companies at the regional and international level.

Furthermore, in 2023, 848 users of the PRO ECUADOR exporter route have managed to position their products in international destinations, highlighting the export and competitive capacity of Ecuadorian MSMEs in the world.

The MPCEIP reaffirms its commitment to the growth and sustainability of Ecuadorian MSMEs, thereby promoting job creation, business innovation and the economic dynamism of the country.

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