MINUSMA: will leave, will not leave

by time news

2023-05-02 14:21:03

If an organization has been controversial in Mali in recent days, it is the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) which has been the subject of a witch hunt by pro-transition organizations and movements. and some sovereignist Malians who refute any foreign force on Malian soil in the fight against terrorism. Faced with these forces hostile to MINUSMA, some Malians, particularly the inhabitants of the Far North, which is the sanctuary of the obscurantists, protest against any action favorable to the departure of the UN force, which, according to them, plays a role in the stabilization of peace in their area.

On Friday, April 28, 2023, some vital forces supporting the transition, headed by the Yéréwolo Debout sur les remparts movement, mobilized thousands of people at the Palais de la Culture to demand the “immediate and without delay” withdrawal. ‘ of the UN force, present in Mali for 10 years.
At the head of the event, Adama Ben DIARRA, known as Ben le Cerveau, member of the CNT and no less the president of the Yerewolo Movement, Jeamille BITTAR, spokesperson for the M5 and another figurehead of the transition who chanted with at least five thousand demonstrators truffled in a room which refuses of the world. As if to mystify and warn the UN forces, the organizers appear with a mud sheath stuffed with firewood which produced ardent flames in a room full to bursting under a temperature of more than 40 degrees in the shade.
On the posters and signs held up by the demonstrators, one could read: “Down with MINUSMA; MINUSMA out, Long live the Famas, MINUSMA, force of evil, MINUSMA assassin”. Thus, the only subject on the agenda is the departure of the UN force, while magnifying the Defense and Security Forces of Mali, which have been treated as real heroes, compared to the Roman warriors of Greek antiquity. .
“Assimi is a lion! Repeat after me Assimi is a warrior! A real ! We no longer need a foreign force to have the sovereignty of our country. MINUSMA is there to accomplish France’s mission. She has to go and we’re going to have her gone in three months. Today’s release is the launch of a series of three great manifestations that will not spare this force of evil. We will be doing the second big outing on May 25, as a celebration of Africa Day. The third outing will be the fatal blow, ”claimed Ben le Cerveau, even if this so-called fatal blow was announced for the nth time, each time the Yéréwolo movement and its supporters left.
Movements in support of MINUSMA
On the other side of the northern regions, notably Gao, Timbuktu, Taoudénit and Ménaka, the question of the departure of the UN force is not topical for the moment.
Moreover, at the same time when Bamako and Ségou demonstrated for the departure of MINUSMA, the big cities of the North demonstrated for its maintenance. The proof, the association ”Gao Gomno” in other words the happiness of Gao, which brings together all the associations say they dissociate themselves from any action that boots MINUSMA out of Mali.
“The association ”Gao Gomno” opposes with the utmost rigor to senseless actions. The North is linked to the rest of Mali, thanks to MINUSMA. We must defend ourselves against the enemies of peace, living together and social cohesion. Mali belongs to all Malians. We cannot continue to turn a blind eye to such behavior. The duty of patriotism challenges us all to oppose categorically against these manipulative associations”, said the president of the said platform, Bakary SIDIBE, in favor of a declaration that the association during the big demonstration that it organized the day after the anti-MINUSMA demo in Bamako, as if to respond blow for blow Bamako and Ségou.
And since then, demonstrations of protest against any action hostile to MINUSMA have multiplied in Timbuktu, Taoudéni and Ménaka, with literally declarations of support for the UN Mission, which according to the inhabitants is a guarantee of peace and stability in their respective regions.
In any case, the question of leaving and maintaining MINUSMA divides Malians more than ever. Obviously, the last word goes to the Malian state, which is fully responsible for maintaining or not MINUSMA, whose mandate will end in a month.
Recall that apart from its peace mission, MINUSMA contributes to the financing of several development projects and programs in their area of ​​intervention.


#MINUSMA #leave #leave

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