Miracle on Ashdod Beach: Surfers Risk Their Lives to Save Drowning Children

by time news

Title: Miracle on Ashdod Beach: Surfers Brave Stormy Sea to Save Drowning Children

In a heart-stopping incident on Gil beach, Ashdod, tragedy was averted when a group of courageous surfers risked their own lives to rescue five children who were on the brink of drowning. Among the victims was a 6-year-old girl, whose distraught mother helplessly cried out for assistance.

Shani, one of the children caught in the treacherous currents, recounted the terrifying experience to “Maariv”: “We entered the water, and my little sister joined us. Suddenly, we found ourselves caught in a whirlpool, unable to stand up. The waves were unruly, and we feared for our lives. Then, miraculously, a group of surfers appeared and saved us. I was terrified and believed I would die. I clung desperately to rocks. Thankfully, the surfers were there, bravely battling the waves. There were five of us children, and our visit from Jerusalem to Ashdod for a fun day turned into a near-tragedy.”

Avi Levy, one of the heroic surfers who rescued the 6-year-old girl, recalled the life-or-death situation: “I heard shouts coming from the rocks, indicating a strong current. Suddenly, I spotted several children in the depths, and a girl began to sink. I reached her just in time, diving to pull her onto my surfboard. The children were small and helpless. Fortunately, several other surfers joined in the rescue effort. The current dragged us further out, and I suffered numerous blows, but the danger was secondary to our mission of saving the children. It was truly a miracle. The mother couldn’t stop crying, already imagining her children’s funerals. It was a close call, but we gave it our all to prevent a disaster. One of the surfers even broke his nose during the rescue, but what matters most is that everyone was saved.”

Maurice Ben Shimol, another surfer who participated in the daring rescue, described the intense ordeal: “It was an incredible miracle. We heard the mother’s cries from the beach and spotted the children trapped in the whirlpool. We placed two children on each surfboard and tried to make our way out of the sea. Eventually, more surfers came to our aid. We paddled furiously against the towering waves, our strength waning. Miraculously, we managed to navigate the waves and reached a separate beach. From there, we finally made it ashore. Personally, I am traumatized and have sustained leg injuries. I have rescued many children in the past, but I have never faced a life-threatening situation like this. Simply put, it was a miracle. We saved them in the nick of time.”

This extraordinary tale serves as a reminder of the incredible bravery and selflessness of these surfers, who put their own lives on the line to save the lives of the children. The mother’s worst fears were nearly realized, but thanks to their heroic efforts, what could have ended in tragedy was transformed into a story of hope and triumph.

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