Miracle on the Road: Woman Saved from Cardiac Arrest by MDA Team

by time news

Woman Suffers Cardiac Arrest While Driving, Saved by MDA Team

In a miraculous turn of events, a woman named Nurit Mozes was saved by a team from the Magen David Adom (MDA) after suffering a cardiac arrest while driving. The incident occurred approximately two months ago when Nurit left her job in Savion and was on her way home to Netanya.

As Nurit approached a traffic light in Kiryat Ono, she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her chest and lost consciousness. Her car continued to slide into the intersection before colliding with a wall and coming to a stop. Luckily, a passerby named Dennis witnessed the incident and immediately called MDA’s emergency number, 101.

Upon receiving the call, MDA dispatched an intensive care team to the scene, including paramedic Noam Dahan. Noam arrived within seconds and realized that Nurit was experiencing cardiac arrest. He quickly started CPR and used a defibrillator to deliver an electric shock, causing Nurit to regain consciousness.

Moments later, MDA’s mobile intensive care team arrived, led by paramedics Dor Tzabri and Nathaniel Dudkevich. They provided advanced medical treatment to Nurit and together with Noam, prepared her for evacuation to Linson Hospital. Throughout the process, Nurit remained conscious and communicated with the team.

After two weeks in the hospital, Nurit was released and had the opportunity to meet the MDA team and Dennis, who played a crucial role in saving her life. She expressed her gratitude by referring to them as her “private miracle.”

Nurit recalled the moments leading up to the incident, stating that she experienced chest pains at work but thought they would pass. She decided to drive home but felt an excruciating pain as she reached the intersection. The next thing she remembers is seeing the faces of the MDA team in the intensive care unit.

Denis Srilan, the passerby who called MDA’s hotline, also shared his perspective. He mentioned that he noticed Nurit wasn’t well and immediately called for help. The MDA hotline guided him through the necessary steps, and within minutes, the team arrived at the scene.

MDA senior medic Noam Dahan described the incident from his point of view. He received the call while at home and quickly arrived at the scene. Recognizing Nurit’s unconscious state, he used a defibrillator to restore her heart’s rhythm. Remarkably, Nurit revived after a few seconds of treatment.

Noam commended the intensive care team for their advanced treatment and emphasized the satisfaction and strength they derive from saving lives.

The story of Nurit’s survival serves as a reminder of the dedication and expertise of the MDA team, who play a vital role in emergency medical care.

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