Mirka Papakonstantinou: “I can’t stand this terrible toxicity today” (vid)

by time news

Referring to our time today, the Mirka Papakonstantinou she expressed her displeasure, saying: “I’m sorry about these years, I really don’t like them. But if we say 2000 was like that and 1990 was like that – which I also think goes a long way back – yes, things were different, but the point is if we can’t make a revolution from Paris, baby. It’s not nice. That is, if we want to do something, let’s do it here now, each in his own area. I’m not talking about this extreme and toxic, I can’t stand it».

«Neither my body nor my character can withstand it, I will not add my age. I can’t do toxicity, I can’t do darkness, I can’t do darkness. And along with that horrible toxicity is a cruelty I can’t stand as well. Cruelty is about finance and a huge range of things at the time.”he asked about it.

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She then spoke about the revolution and her own relationship with it: “However, I was never part of the revolution, I was afraid and I don’t like that. He’s a total anti-hero, and maybe that’s why I like anti-heroes in the theater and on TV. The “broken” characters with problems”.

Finally, he referred to Dani Katranidis and the Riga Axellotwo people who played an important role in her life. “They were important people in my life, they are by my side and I am always by their side”.

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