“Mission accomplished,” says Noroña; Chamber of Deputies approved in 8 minutes, DOF and more

by times news cr

Today, Friday, September 13, the celebration will take place session to grant constitutionality to the reform of the judiciary, in the Chamber of Senators and Deputieshowever, the PAN has already announced that it will not attend.

In addition, the protests against the reform, as a group of workers lead a demonstration in front of the headquarters of the Mexican Stock Exchange, in Mexico City.

Similarly, a court granted a stay against the official publication of the reform to the Judicial Branch, a situation that was applauded by the National Action Party (PAN).

This after a collegiate court in Colima considered the appeal for protection and the suspension requested by the Iris Foundation to be well-founded, for which reason the second district court based in the state of Colima complied with the resolution and granted a suspension against the publication of the decree.

With the approving votes of 23 Congresses state governments, the Mexican Senate declared the validity of the constitutional reform to the Judiciary, so it will eventually be sent to the Chamber of Deputies.

It is worth noting that last Wednesday, the 11th, in the early hours of the morning, the reform to the Judicial Branch was approved in the Senate of the Republic with a qualified majority vote and in less than 2 days it was officially endorsed with the support of at least 18 local congresses.

Gerardo Fernández Noroña celebrates approval of the reform to the Judicial Branch

Through his social networks, Gerardo Fernández Noroña celebrated the approval of the reform to the Judicial Branch, after being submitted for publication to the Senate.

The President of the Senate shared a photograph of the accepted document, which shows that it was formally received. at 19:45 hours today Friday September 13th.

The letter is addressed to Luisa María Alcalde, Secretary of the Interior, since it must be published in the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF).

Gerardo Fernández Noroña celebrates approval to publish the reform to the Judicial Branch (Capture )

Chamber of Deputies approves reform of the Judicial Branch in an 8-minute session

The Chamber of Deputies has already endorsed the constitutionality of the reform of the judiciary during a brief session that lasted just 8 minutes.

Opposition legislators were absent from the session scheduled for 6:30 p.m. in protest against the approval of the reform to the Judicial Branch.

Despite this, the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Deputies, headed by Sergio Gutiérrez Luna, issued the declaration of constitutionality of the reform of the judiciaryafter a majority vote.

The reform to the Judiciary will therefore be submitted to the Executive for publication in the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF).

Senate declares validity of constitutional reform to the Judiciary

On Friday, September 13, the Senate plenary declared the constitutional validity of the reform of the Judiciary.

The secretary of the Board of Directors, Verónica Camino Farjat, read out the approving votes of 23 state Congresses, revealing that only Jalisco rejected it.

During the session, the president of the Senate, Gerardo Fernández Noroña, asked the attendees to stand up and declared the reform to the Judicial Branch approved to be sent to the Chamber of Deputies.

The Congresses that voted in favor were:

  • Baja California
  • Baja California Sur
  • Campeche
  • Colima
  • Durango
  • Guerrero
  • Hidalgo
  • State of Mexico
  • Morelos
  • Nayarit
  • Oaxaca
  • Puebla
  • Quintana Roo
  • San Luis Potosi
  • Sinaloa
  • Sonora
  • Tabasco
  • Tamaulipas
  • Tlaxcala
  • Veracruz
  • Yucatan
  • Zacatecas
  • Mexico City.

PAN celebrates suspension of publication of judicial reform in DOF

Through a brief statement on X, the PAN welcomed the injunction granted by a federal judge to suspend the publication of the judicial reform of the “Morenista regime” in the Official Gazette of the Federation.”

The party stressed that this would prevent the publication and implementation of the reform in the DOF, previously announced for September 15, for the time being.

PAN does not attend the Senate to declare the constitutionality of the reform to the Judicial Branch

The PAN reported that Their benches in the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies will not attend the session called by Morena today, Friday, September 13 and its allies to make the declaration of constitutionality of the reform to the Judicial Branch of the Federation.

Through a statement, PAN members Noemí Luna Ayala and Kenia López Rabadán reported that the PAN benches will not attend such a session because it is clear that there was a “brutal uncleanliness both in the Senate and in the Chamber of Deputies and in the local Congresses” in the approval of the initiative.

According to Kenia López Rabadán, the approval of the “toxic reform” is another link in the cadena of destruction of Mexican democracy and the PAN will not condone such an act of authoritarianism and “backwardness.”

“For us, it is clear that parliamentary procedure was not followed and that there was brutal disorganization in both the federal chambers and various local congresses. There were erroneous calls, a lack of quorum and other irregularities.”

Kenya Lopez Rabadan

PAN files appeals against the reform of the Judicial Branch due to irregularities in its approval

The PAN announced that it will file a series of legal actions to stop “the process that was flawed from the start and was imposed by Morena, PT and PVEM,” with respect to the reform of the Judiciary.

Well, despite the existence of various judicial suspensions so that it would not be discussed, The discussion and voting session took place, despite multiple irregularities in the process.

And according to the blue and white bench, In the process there was threat, extortion and the buying of votes in favor of the reformas well as:

  • the use of alternate venues for discussion and voting on the reform
  • The legal quorum could not be verified in the Chamber of Deputies
  • The reform was not discussed in depth in local congresses for approval
  • The municipalities were not asked about this initiative

In this regard, the PAN will file a “suit of unconstitutionality” for the reform, and will also appeal to international bodies, since the “rule of law” is being violated.

Judicial reform: Court grants suspension so that AMLO does not publish the initiative in the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF)

Despite the approval of the reform of the Judiciary in the Senate, On Wednesday, September 11, a federal district judge granted a provisional suspension so that the initiative proposed by AMLO is not published in the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF).

The suspension granted by a judge of the second district court in Colima, Following a request from the Iris Foundation for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights, AC, it was ordered despite the fact that the initiative also surpassed the instance of local congresses for approval.

“In the event that the constitutional reform procedure is approved by the responsible authorities, the respective decree will not be published in the Official Gazette of the Federation”

Federal Judge

In the first instance, the federal judge granted a suspension regarding the discussion and approval of the reform to the Judicial Branch, but this measure did not prosper, a fact for which the Iris Foundation promoted a indirect protection against its publication in the DOF.

“This collegiate court considers it appropriate that the provisional suspension be granted so that the reform is not published in the DOF, since such an act would bind its entry into force and cause damages that are impossible to repair.”

Federal Judge

Workers protest in front of the Mexican Stock Exchange headquarters against the reform of the Judicial Branch

Supported by Mexican flags, banners, signs and loudspeakers, workers of the judiciary of the Federation lead a demonstration in front of the facilities of the Mexican Stock Exchange two days after the approval of the reform proposed by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO).

The protesters remained on the sidewalk to demonstrate their rejection of the reform, so vehicular traffic remained open in the side lanes.

After a few minutes of shouting slogans against the reform and in support of the Judiciary, the protesters sang the national anthem and began their march in front of the United States Embassy in Mexico.

Judicial reform: Workers move protest to the US Embassy in Mexico

After a few minutes of demonstrating in front of the Mexican Stock Exchange, the workers of the judiciary They moved towards the headquarters of the United States Embassy in Mexicojust a few meters ahead.

This new protest takes place a few hours after The Congress of the Union approves the reform of the Judicial Branch after the ruling was endorsed by state congresses.

The reform to the Judicial Branch will then be returned to the Executive Branch for signature and publication in the Official Gazette of the Federation.

2024-09-14 03:06:40

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