Missions: sworn in as a deputy with a T-shirt with the British flag | Strong repudiation of Norma Sawicz

by time news

The provincial missionary deputy, Norma Raquel Sawicz, took office the last ten of December. But he did not stand out in the act of swearing by his sayings, but by the choice of his clothes. Sheathed in a red jacket, underneath you could see a T-shirt that had the English flag stamped on it and generated the reaction of the groups of ex-combatants and the fury of the networks.

Norma Sawicz competed for a place in the missionary parliament on the list of the Renewing Front of Concord, the governor Hugo Passalaqua’s ruling party. She was eighth on the payroll and had no problems entering because the provincial party beat the local version of Together for Change by more than twenty percent. He took the oath with three of his peers, Gladys Cornellius, Suzel Vaider, Ariel Pianesi and Jorge Lezcano without too many problems, although his clothing stood out above the rest because of the British flag that he wore on his shirt.

From low media profile, Sawicz has a career dedicated to public service. He worked first in the Ministry of Agriculture and Production of the province, went through the General Directorate of Transportation, the Provincial Institute of Lottery and Casinos, and the Ministry of Public Health. In addition, she was director of the local Social Security Institute and until her inauguration as provincial deputy, she remained at the head of the Undersecretariat for Equal Opportunities since it was created in 2008. She is also a primary and secondary teacher and directs the School for Young People and Adults n 84 of the Néstor Kirchner neighborhood.

After taking office, the clothes he was wearing began to take public status and the indignation grew bigger and bigger.. Some organizations of ex-combatants came out to repudiate his attitude Y Hundreds of Internet users filled their networks demanding answers and explanations with fury and far from good manners. “Che, seipaya, couldn’t you put on another shirt for the swearing in?”, Is one of the posts on the Twitter account that bears his name and in which he spread his activity and that sets the tone with which less aggressive users are they addressed the legislator.

“I am from Obereña, and I have lived in Posadas for 35 years. I have always been in politics. From a very young age I had been militant with my mother, helping people, walking the neighborhoods ”, the legislator defined herself in interviews she gave to local media during the campaign. “I come from the line of justicialism, a very low profile always, I like to work together with the people,” he rounded off his political profile. As undersecretary of Equality and Opportunities, she focused on human trafficking and smuggling in her province and, according to her own words, since 2008 they managed to rescue 248 women from different provinces in Misiones, and at least 217 victims of labor trafficking.

PageI12 tried to contact Sawicz to make his discharge, but could not make contact.


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