Mistakes you make when it’s hot

by time news

The hot season is about to arrive and before it, it is important that you maintain the necessary precautions, one of them is to pay attention to “heat remedies” which could do more harm than good.

For example, according to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicineestablishes that, although giving a shower with cold water after exercising can benefit muscle recovery, it is not an efficient remedy to mitigate heat.

As strange as it may seem, we usually associate a shower with cold water as an effective remedy against heat, but this can only increase the sensation of heat. In addition to this error, we share with you:

5 mistakes to beat the heat

  1. Take cold drinks: We know, there is nothing more appetizing in the heat than a cold drink but before ingesting it, think twice, because when consuming Cold drinks when it is hot, you would be forcing your body to stabilize its temperature, which implies an unnecessary expenditure of energy, generating more heat and increasing the sensation of suffocation.

  2. Practice sport: Although playing sports is not a remedy against heatYes, it is usually a habit for many people, and even if it is to generate good, if it is practiced under hot weather conditions, it can be harmful to health, because when practicing sports, you increase the risk of cramps, fainting and dizziness due to the dehydration which can trigger heat stroke.
    But don’t worry, you can continue to stay in shape by doing your routines indoors and wearing clothes that can absorb sweat to avoid the feeling of being wet.

  3. Expose yourself to high temperatures: Although it seems obvious, it is important to mention that during hot times, you should avoid being exposed to the sun, especially during the period from 11 in the morning to 5 in the afternoon, which is when the sun’s rays enter with more force, increasing the risk of burns and heat stroke.
    It is recommended that, if you are forced to go out during these hours, try to wear light and light-colored clothing to avoid heat absorption.

  4. Use fans: According to a study published in The Cochrane Library, fans not only increase heat, but also cause excessive sweating and thereby increase the risk of dehydration. In this case, it is advisable to use fans and open the windows of the place where you are.

  5. Drink alcohol: Although many people may want to drink alcoholic beverages when the temperature rises, the truth is that the diuretic property of these drinks increases the risk of dehydration.

Now you know, to keep your health in optimum condition during and after the hot season, the most important thing is to stay well hydrated every day, in addition to incorporating an exercise routine to improve the general condition of the body.

If you need to continue exercising from home during this season, we share a video to achieve your goals.

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