“Mitch signals to Maccabi Haifa to raise the level. He did not get tired”

by time news

Ben Mansford was one of the most significant people at Maccabi Tel Aviv several years ago. In 2019, the esteemed general manager left the Yellows and moved to English English. Now that he is visiting Israel, he turned to an interview with the Sports Channel, in which he referred to the team’s situation since he left it, the work of Sharon Tamam and Barak Yitzhaki, the stars who went abroad, and the commitment of Mitch Goldhaar.

In retrospect, are you satisfied with the decision to leave Maccabi Tel Aviv?
“The decision to leave Maccabi Tel Aviv was a difficult one. My wife and I had a very good time here and we really like Maccabi, but the success in England is great for me. We have a league, we are in the middle of the table, developing young talent and I really enjoy the job. “

Have you been following the group since you left? What do you think of her achievements?
“I follow the team and also the players abroad. When it was Israel’s game with Scotland I sat in a pub, and when Dor Peretz scored I jumped for joy. The people in the pub did not understand why I was happy. I think once you leave high-level players like Noble Omar, Dor Micha and Jair Amador, it’s a professional problem. In Haifa, players like Neta Lavi and Muhammad Abu Fani made a leap, while Maccabi Tel Aviv left players.

How do you assess the performance of your replacement, Sharon Tamam?
“Sharon does an amazing job. Maccabism dominates her. There are a lot of marketing activities that people are not even aware of. Maccabi Tel Aviv has the most sponsorships and sponsors in the country, and that proves how good and valued she is. It grew out of the system and the fact that it is in a key position says it all. I will not hesitate to say that in one day of sales, it sometimes does more than what other clubs do in a year. “

Do you think that Barak Yitzhaki is the right man for the position of professional manager of Maccabi Tel Aviv?
“Barak Yitzhaki and I worked closely together for a long time. He knows exactly what Maccabi Tel Aviv needs to be successful, he knows the team fundamentally and I have no doubt that it will achieve together with him.”

If you were the manager of Maccabi Tel Aviv today, would you bring back Eran Zehavi?
“As a fan of Maccabi Tel Aviv, I would certainly bring him back, but I have not been in the system for a long time. I estimate that Mitch Goldhaar, Barak Yitzhaki and Ronen Katsav know exactly the answer to that. “

How do you explain the dismissal of Vladimir Ivitch from Watford and the fact that so far he has not found a new team?
“Ivitch is a person whose family is very important to him in every decision. He will not hesitate to sit at home for a long time if he thinks the offers he received are not right for him. Will he return to Maccabi Tel Aviv? It is said that it is not worth going back, but on the other hand in light of his achievements in the team, it cannot be completely ruled out. I estimate that this is a name that will rise in Maccabi Tel Aviv in the coming years as well. “

Why is it so difficult to bring good foreigners to Israel?
“Maccabi Tel Aviv also suffered from the fair play, and even so, Israel is not the first option for foreign players. They prefer other places.”

Maccabi Tel Aviv went through a process of renewal last summer. A lot of pillars have left. What do you think about this move??
“It hurts me to see every player who leaves. Peretz, Cohen, Atzili, Micha and Amador, but players also want to progress and develop, that is understandable. A team must renew itself and Maccabi Tel Aviv has very young and talented players. It is a wheel of cycles. “

How did Maccabi Tel Aviv get into a situation where a player like Dor Peretz leaves it without consideration?
“This is an outstanding player and a great person, and such guys want to go out and test themselves in Europe, no matter what offer they get from Israel.”

Have you tried to bring an Israeli player to Blackpool?
“No, but there are players in the Israeli league who are suitable, and first and foremost Daniel Peretz, he is a fantastic goalkeeper. I really like Neta Lavi, and I think Abu Fani also made a good move.”

What is it like working with Mitch Goldhaar? Did you feel at any point that there was an erosion in his commitment to Maccabi Tel Aviv?
“He is full of passion for Israel and Maccabi Tel Aviv. Is he tired? He bought Georgia Juvanovic for two million euros, which means he is signaling to Maccabi Haifa. If she wants to take more championships, she will have to work much harder and raise the level. He really did not get tired. “

In the last ten years, only Maccabi Tel Aviv and Barak Bachar have won championships in Israel. Was it a mistake on the part of Maccabi Tel Aviv not to appoint Barak Bachar as coach?
“The club has a foreign coach’s agenda. Now that Sharon Tamam and Barak Yitzhaki are in key positions at the club, maybe that will change. Barak Bachar is without a doubt an excellent coach, four championships speak for themselves. I believe he will soon try to coach in Europe. Ben Shimon and Roni too. Levy is an excellent coach. “

What is your biggest mistake at Maccabi Tel Aviv?
“That we did not manage to qualify for the home stage of the Europa League during the period with Ivica. It bothered me a lot. Also a story of Matan Hozaz, I did not want him to be loaned out. I wanted him to get the minutes at Maccabi Tel Aviv as happened a year later. I know he is ending a contract and I hope he stays at Maccabi. “

What is the potential of Maccabi Tel Aviv as a club in Europe?
“When it came to the Conference League at first, I was against and thought it would be a no-go sign for the Europa League and the Champions League. Now that the factory has started, I think it’s great for Maccabi Tel Aviv and it also did well in the factory.”

Why did you finally abandon the idea of ​​building a stadium for Maccabi Tel Aviv during your time?
“It is difficult for me to address this issue, as I am not involved in it and do not know the plans of the club.”

What was your biggest achievement during your time at Maccabi Tel Aviv?
“First of all the championships we took, and of course seeing the development of the young players.”

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