Mitsotakis’ announcements are ashes in the eyes of the farmers

by time news

2024-02-02 13:28:54

The declarations of Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis are far from the real needs of the farmers and breeders, who claim survival requests, who, although he declares his support and understanding for the serious problems, continues the inexpensive policy of distributing crumbs to the struggling agricultural world.

In an attempt to calm the anger of the farmers, who since mid-December have been on a competitive boil, the government was forced to announce benefits for the cost of production with a refund of the excise duty on oil and interventions for energy costs, which are far from over. from the demands of the farmers.

As the president of the United Farmers’ Federation of Karditsa, Kostas Tzellas, points out to, the farmers are asking for tax-free oil. Instead, the government announced the amount of 82 million euros, which in no way can cover the real cultivation needs.

Far from the request for a ceiling on the price of rural electricity at 7 cents/Kwh is the government announcement on rural electricity, as even this additional discount of 10% for the period May – September, months of high demand, concerns those who have chosen PPC as their energy provider.

“We didn’t hear any substantial support measures. Especially for Thessaly, we didn’t hear how our fields will become productive, how we will return to our crops and how we will get our lives back,” Mr. Tzellas said characteristically in in, pointing out that the pressure on the government will continue through blockades and agitations, that the farmers are not willing to back down until their just demands are met.

On the same wavelength

Along the same lines are the announcements about the medium-term reduction in the cost of electricity of the order of 30% for a 10-year period, which concerns only a small portion of farmers, i.e. those who are part of cooperative schemes and those who practice contractual Agriculture. In this context, as he said, “we should subsidize the construction of solar-battery parks that will be available in the form of bilateral, long-term electricity supply contracts.”

Furthermore, he announced for individual farmers the “photovoltaics in the field”, in the amount of 30 million euros, as well as the settlement of TOEB and OEB debts in the amount of 87 million euros. In the case of Thessaly, the state will assume 75% of these debts, while in the rest of the country these debts will be settled with a ten-year interest-free repayment.

Weaknesses of the CAP

Bad texts in the application of the new CAP and the conditions, the prime minister admitted indirectly but clearly, which are due, as he said, to the “necessary green transition”.

“The truth is that the cost of this green transition I believe was not fully calculated by those who designed it. That is why I personally supported the Commission’s initiative for a new strategic dialogue at the European level to see potential weaknesses within the existing CAP and we may also incorporate a series of proposals made by the Greek government on how we can improve a a mechanism which, under certain conditions, imposed on our farmers and breeders more commitments than they could financially bear”.

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