MMA Fighters and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Champions Back Elon Musk in Potential Cage Match Against Mark Zuckerberg

by time news

Tech Titans Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg Gear Up for Possible Cage Match

A group of prominent MMA fighters and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu champions have rallied behind Elon Musk, offering their training expertise for a possible cage match against Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg. The fighters, led by former MMA champ Chad Robichaux, are seeking revenge against Zuckerberg for what they perceive as his suppression of free speech and detrimental impact on their businesses.

Robichaux, who runs the Mighty Oaks Foundation, a veterans group, expressed his dislike for Zuckerberg, referring to him as a “communist.” He claimed that his First Amendment rights have been violated by Zuckerberg’s policies, forcing him and his team to constantly censor themselves to avoid suppression.

The fight between Musk and Zuckerberg has been a topic of banter on social media, with Musk even claiming that he would drive by Zuckerberg’s house to see if he would answer the door. However, Zuckerberg’s spokesperson clarified that he is currently traveling and won’t engage in a fight with someone who randomly shows up at his residence.

The rivalry between the tech titans escalated after Zuckerberg launched Threads, a micro-blogging rival to Musk’s social network X. However, research reports indicate that Threads’ popularity has significantly declined since its launch.

The MMA fighters supporting Musk, including UFC fighter Jalen Turner and former UFC Light Heavyweight Champion Quinton Jackson, share the belief that Musk aligns more with their values of free speech compared to Zuckerberg. They see Musk’s potential victory in the cage match as a win for mankind.

While details about Musk’s strategy remain undisclosed, there is speculation about his move called “The Walrus,” where he allegedly lies on top of his opponent without taking any action. Robichaux compared this technique to his own Jiu-Jitsu move called the “Wet Blanket,” which aims to exhaust and frustrate opponents.

The fighters are confident in Musk’s abilities, even though Jackson warned against going to the ground against Zuckerberg due to his Jiu-Jitsu skills. Carlson Gracie Jr., another champion supporting Musk, emphasized the importance of evaluating Musk’s skill level and incorporating fundamental techniques into his training.

Despite the fighters’ enthusiasm, doubts remain about whether the cage match will actually take place. Zuckerberg has expressed skepticism about Musk’s seriousness, while Musk has cited the need for an MRI and potential surgery before the fight. Additionally, the location for the rumble remains uncertain, as Italian officials denied rumors of a showdown at the Colosseum.

If Musk proceeds with training, the martial arts experts would likely advise him to adjust his diet and follow a healthy regimen to ensure optimal performance. They believe that Musk needs to cleanse his system and fuel his body with nutritious food to maximize his energy levels.

While Zuckerberg holds a 13-year age advantage over Musk, Robichaux, who is slightly younger than Musk, believes age won’t hinder the latter’s performance. He confidently stated that he can defeat much younger opponents in the gym and praised Musk’s abilities.

Stem cell therapy is another option the fighters consider to enhance Musk’s performance. Eric Scoffers, CEO of Bioexcellorator, offered his services to ensure Musk is in top shape to take on Zuckerberg.

As the potential cage match between these tech titans looms, spectators eagerly await further developments and the eventual showdown between these powerful figures.

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