Mobile numbers starting with 06 and 07 soon reserved for individuals

by time news

The French may hope to see more clearly. The use of mobile phone numbers starting with 06 and 07 will be reserved “exclusively” for “interpersonal” communications services, therefore between people, from January 1, 2023, the telecommunications regulator (Arcep) announced on Monday. This measure was taken in particular to “reinforce the protection” of users against “fraud and abuse”, and other untimely commercial calls.

“For the sake of clarity for subscribers, the Authority reserves the use of mobile numbers in 06 and 07 – durably attached to a user in the minds of all – exclusively for interpersonal communications services. It thus associates this type of number with the mandatory provision by operators of at least one voice call and message service,” she said in a press release.

The use of numbers in 09 could increase

“Non-interpersonal” uses of mobile numbers, such as communications between a mobile subscriber and a “technical platform”, must switch to other categories of numbers, like the new category of numbers in 09, specified the ‘Arcep.

“These numbers could, for example, be used to establish conversations by message between a brand and its customer, or for very short-term use of telephone numbers for certain situations of ephemeral contact via a platform (parcel deliverers, drivers VTC, etc.)”, explained the regulator.

The law of November 15, 2021 aimed at reducing the environmental footprint of digital technology in France gives Arcep the ability to specify the categories of numbers that can be presented to the recipient during communications made by automated call and answering systems. sending messages.

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