Mobile phone use linked to higher risk of high blood pressure, says study

by time news

2023-05-11 12:09:54

The researchers used data from the large biomedical database UK Biobank and followed 212,046 adults aged between 37 and 73 over a 12-year period.

The information about mobile calling behavior (both incoming and outgoing calls) was collected via a questionnaire, which also gave the researchers insight into the participants’ annual and weekly telephone use and their use of loudspeakers and hands-free devices.

People who made mobile calls at least once a week were categorized as mobile phone users.

Number of minutes is crucial

No one had high blood pressure at the start of the study, but 13,984 participants, 7 percent, did after 12 years.

The results showed that mobile phone users had a 7 percent higher risk of high blood pressure than those who did not use a phone. And another startling connection came to light.

Participants who used their mobile phone for 30 minutes or more per week were found to have a 12 percent higher risk of high blood pressure than those who used their mobile phone for less than 30 minutes per week.

There was no difference between men and women.

“The number of minutes people use mobile phones is important for heart health, with more minutes increasing risk,” says professor and research leader Xianhui Qin of Southern Medical University. in a press release.

He emphasizes that more research is needed to confirm the link, but that there did not seem to be a connection between the use of hands-free devices and high blood pressure.

Nevertheless, the researchers make a small recommendation.

‘Our results suggest that mobile phone use may not affect the risk of high blood pressure, as long as you use it for less than half an hour a week,’ says the Chinese professor.

“More research is needed to confirm the results, but until then we think it would be prudent to keep mobile phone calls to a minimum to keep the heart as healthy as possible,” the scientist said in the press release.

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