Mobileye in emergency braking? Intel cuts the value by 40%

by time news

According to company sources, Intel currently estimates that if Mobileye is issued on one of the New York Stock Exchanges in the coming months, its maximum value will be 30 billion dollars. On the one hand, this is a huge amount, which is a doubling of Mobileye’s value since Intel bought it in 2017 for about $15 billion in the largest exit in Israel’s history. On the other hand, this is a 40% drop compared to a previous valuation that was leaked to the media, and was no less than 50 billion dollars – more than 3 times the purchase price.

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Mobileye’s IPO was planned to happen already during the summer that has come to an end (in terms of the calendar, even if the weather in Israel has not yet received a corresponding update) – but the economic situation is causing its delay. As we know, Intel is not the only company suffering from events that are not related to it – the supply chain crisis that occurred during the corona epidemic and has not yet ended, the chip crisis that developed as a result and the business of the components company for smart cars is damaged by it, and now also an economic crisis that causes inflation, price increases and fewer purchases by consumers.

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