Mobilization of March 7: schools closed and nurseries on canteen strike

by time news

It is difficult to say exactly about the level of mobilization against the pension reform, in National Education and the crèche and daycare sector, this Tuesday, March 7. The February holidays, offset according to the three zones, make the exercise almost impossible, in particular because of the resumption, this Monday, of Paris and its region. “However, in areas that have already resumed, it is apparent that there is still a lot of anger at the unfairness of this pension reform. So the rates of strikers should be pretty good, ”prognosticates Sophie Vénétitay, spokesperson for Snes-FSU, the main union for secondary school teachers.

In kindergarten and elementary school, teachers had until Saturday evening to declare themselves strikers, due to the obligation imposed on them by the law on the minimum reception service (SMA) of 2008. This said, again because of the differentiated zones, the a priori estimates, generally carried out by the trade unions, are difficult to carry out at the national level. On the other hand, in the capital, the SNUipp-Paris the majority union in the first degree, advances the figure of 60% of strikers and 120 schools which will keep doors closed this Tuesday. “We have partial feedback which tells us that the movement should be followed, moreover we already have a lot of schools which will be closed, confirms Guislaine David, co-responsible for the union at the national level. We should see more clearly this Monday, but we feel a collective mobilization with schools entering the movement. And the Paris region, which resumes work on Monday, is generally a territory that is mobilized a lot. »

Even the most precarious want to be heard

In the early childhood sector, union representatives do not speak of Black Tuesday but they perceive a willingness of staff, often precarious, to make their voices heard. “We can’t say it will be very strong, but the movement will be followed, that’s for sure. We have echoes of structures that want to radicalize the movement by going on strike, for example, at lunchtime. It can be complicated for managers to know how to take care of children at this time, explains Cirylle Godfroi, co-secretary general of the early childhood union (SNPPE). We have staff in complicated financial situations, but determined to find solutions to demonstrate without having too much of an impact on their salaries. This is the first time we have had this kind of feedback. »

Parents should therefore expect disturbances in nurseries, especially if these take new forms such as the canteen strike.

At the other end of the spectrum, in higher education, universities, such as in Montpellier (Hérault) or Rennes (Ille-et-Vilaine), have already decided to close their doors.

And after this Tuesday, March 7? What will happen in these sectors, while the seven main education unions are pushing for a renewable strike? Many observers believe that teachers could wait to see how the movement evolves in other sectors, especially in transport, before positioning themselves. Even if we know that the renewable strike is complicated to implement in education.

“It is a possibility, in any case we do not forbid it because it is not a taboo, advances Sophie Vénétitay. But if we want to renew the strike, it will have to be strong this Tuesday to give momentum. Afterwards, the renewal of the strike will be decided by the colleagues, so we call very quickly to discuss the continuation of the mobilizations and how we build it. But it all revolves around the success of March 7th. »

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