MobizapSP: trips through the passenger transport app of the city of SP can start on the 22nd

by time news

The MobizapSP application should be available for Android devices and iPhones in the coming days. It was launched by the city of São Paulo to serve as an option for the Uber and 99 apps, under the administration of public management through the Municipal Secretariat for Mobility and Transit (SMT).

As the Olhar Digital found this Saturday (11), the database for drivers is already quite consolidated. This reinforces predictions that travel through the app should start between March 22nd and 24th.

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On Thursday (9), registrations in the app had already reached the mark of 7 thousand drivers. Today, according to the Municipal Secretary of Mobility and Traffic of São Paulo, Ricardo Teixeira, this number has already exceeded 20 thousand subscribers. In the MobizapSP announcement, the information was that the tool would need to reach a number of 10,000 to 12,000 drivers to start operating.

City Hall focusing on passengers

MobizapSP drivers must receive 89.05% of the amount earned in their rides. They will make trips with a starting point in the city of São Paulo, with the destination being able to vary according to the client’s request. As announced by the São Paulo administration, the application already comes with payment options in cash, credit card, debit and even credit in the application.

Now, the municipal technical team is working on the MobizapSP passenger database. The project was developed after carrying out a public tender, with the 3C Consortium being the winner of the contract, defined by the lowest percentage on the value of the rides.

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Image: Igoraquaman/iStock

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