Mocks and simulations | FranceEvening

by time news

TRIBUNE – The West, this declining and decadent Empire of Good which claims to slay Evil on all sides, is in reality only a masochistic political imposture embodied by cowardice.

The wars decreed against the evils designated as enemies, viruses, Islamism, racism, autocratic regimes, are, in reality, only false pretexts used to plug the breaches of an increasingly fragile building.

Because these wars which are, in truth, never really carried out are only simulacra intended to give a good conscience to a now largely stripped power and only serve to maintain a myth behind which the manipulators try to hide like these children caught the finger in the jam jar, persuaded to be invisible.

The King is therefore naked.

But he unfortunately perseveres in his imposture, because there are still too many fools not to see him and the child prodigy, who in his candor would spontaneously proclaim him “naked”, is probably not yet born.

War against the virus, war against Islamism, war against racism, war against poverty and all inequalities.

Really ?

If that were true, it would have been known long ago.

War against Russia then?

Neither, since the Empire contributes to supplying arms and ammunition to the minimum union service, taking care not to anger the Tsar who sneers behind his arsenal of the apocalypse in his immense sanctuary domain, the largest on the planet, in waiting for the fatal false step of the West which would authorize it to finally begin the “serious things”.

Impostures therefore in all these pseudo-wars that the Empire is, in fact, incapable of carrying out, for lack of means but above all for lack of courage, because the West is afraid, afraid of death, afraid of finitude, afraid of illness, suffering, loss and above all fear of himself, lost in his exacerbated hyper materialism and totally devoid of the slightest sacred dimension from which he himself has voluntarily cut himself off since the advent of the great global market .

Unlike his declared enemies who live in another world.

It does not matter since the good and beautiful souls persist in vociferating against Putin by pouring out their uninhibited Russophobic litanies all day long while gesticulating and verbally milling war threats in which no one seriously believes.

And the cunning autocrat replies “that they try”.

However : If you want peace, prepare for war

If you want peace, prepare for war.

However, this is where the shoe pinches, because the West has sworn not to even consider going to war to preserve peace and sovereignty in all areas and as everyone knows war is bad .

The problem is that the nature of the universe is quite different and that the balance of power imposes itself on us in a cruel way despite all the beliefs and all the silly variations of the end of the story.

No one in the West wants or knows how to go to war anymore.

Neither against Covid, which we do not treat, because it has been declared incurable, nor against Islamism through electoralism and fear of reprisals from lost territories, nor against Russia for fear of probable mutual annihilation or more simply to preserve a level of life and production. (for the Germans for example).

And for good reason, since it is the wars declared and led by Westerners that have been the most deadly in the world. No competitor in the matter. Western civilization is an expert in genocide and mass murder.

The real evils of the West, those which eat away at us and which destroy us, are denied and concealed and no fight is and will be waged against them.

It is therefore more convenient to pretend to wage wars against windmills.

Yes, the world and existence are tragic, cruel and dangerous and it takes a lot of courage and lucidity to recognize this and decide to keep the peace by preparing for war.

Much more to do.

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