Moderate Youth League Risks Losing Millions in Grants: Controversial Actions Raise Concerns

by time news

**Title:** Moderate Youth League at Risk of Losing Millions in Grants over Controversial Actions

**Subtitle:** Authority demands clarifications on the youth association’s action plan following vote coup scandal involving chairman

**Date:** Updated 20:08 | Posted 19:37

The Moderate Youth League (Muf) faces the potential loss of state subsidies worth millions after a vote coup controversy. In an effort to retain the grants, the youth association has proposed a new strategy to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. However, the authority overseeing civil society affairs, Mucf, has condemned Muf’s action plan as insufficient and has demanded further explanations.

**Vote Coup Scandal**
TV4 reported last spring that Douglas Thor, the chairman of Muf, allegedly attempted to influence the election of a new local chairman in Jämtland. Thor reportedly offered to financially support new members who would vote against the sitting Jämtland chairman. The revelation prompted Mucf to initiate an audit of the youth association, potentially resulting in the revocation of their grants amounting to SEK 2.7 million.

**Mucf’s Reaction and Request for Answers**
As part of the ongoing investigation, Mucf submitted a series of questions to Muf, demanding clarity and accountability. In response, Muf enlisted the assistance of a law firm to draft their answers, which were submitted in July. The youth association emphasized the implementation of an action plan aimed at preventing similar incidents.

**Insufficient Response**
However, the authority remains unsatisfied with Muf’s answer. In a recent letter, Mucf requested that the Moderate Youth Association provide more comprehensive details about their plan, including a specific end date for implementation and a clear description of the plan’s purpose. Muf has until August 28 to comply with this request.

**Non-Democratic Attempt to Influence**
Mucf continues to interpret Douglas Thor’s actions as “a non-democratic attempt to influence” the vote coup, regardless of whether or not the chairman in Jämtland was ultimately removed. The authority strongly condemns Thor’s actions, deeming them “extremely inappropriate.”

**Potential Impact on Muf**
The Moderate Youth League holds significant positions within the larger Moderate party and boasts a membership of 16,700 as of the end of 2022. Losing government grants would be a severe setback for the youth association’s activities and initiatives.

**Thor’s Personal Appeal**
In their previous response to Mucf, Muf included a personal letter from Douglas Thor himself. In the letter, Thor appeals to the authority, emphasizing the important role Muf plays in democratic schooling, development, and as a platform for young individuals. He implores Mucf not to punish the members for his mistake and to consider the collective value of the Moderate Youth Association.

The outcome of the ongoing investigation and Muf’s ability to address the concerns raised by Mucf will ultimately determine the fate of their grants.

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