Modica, environmental hygiene. Cgil on the attack

by time news

We express great satisfaction in reading on various social media that the Municipal Administration, and in particular the Mayor Monisteri, recognizes the merit of the workers of the IGM of Modica (Environmental Hygiene), who even during the August summer period manage to keep the city and the seaside areas connected to it clean.

However, these recognitions have not been followed by positive feedback, so much so that to date workers in the sector have not received either the fair monthly wage or the fourteenth salary”.

This is what Graziana Stracquadanio, head of the Environmental Hygiene department of FP CGIL of Ragusa, says. Who, with respect to the evaluations of the mayor, expresses her disappointment and protests precisely against the Mayor of Modica, Maria Monisteri, and the IGM company, who have demonstrated a worrying lack of understanding and respect towards the workers and their families, leaving them without a salary during the summer period.

“It is suggested,” Graziana Stracquadanio comments, “to ask the contractor to advance the payment of the monthly payments within the terms set out in the contract.

An immediate positive response is requested and, in the event of no response, we reserve the right to adopt any form of struggle and protest”.

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