Modified Newtonian Dynamics and the Hypothesis of a Ninth Planet

by time news

Scientists Find Evidence of Modified Law of Gravity in Outer Solar System

A pair of theoretical physicists from Case Western Reserve University and Hamilton College have proposed that the anomalies observed in the outer solar system could be evidence of a modified law of gravity. Harsh Mathur and Katherine Brown based their theory on the idea of Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND), which suggests that Newton’s law of gravity is valid up to a certain point and then behaves differently. The success of MOND in explaining galactic-scale observations has led some scientists to consider it as an alternative to dark matter.

Mathur and Brown’s research, published in The Astronomical Journal, focuses on the effect of MOND on the outer solar system. Their interest was sparked by the announcement of orbital anomalies in the outer solar system in 2016, which led to the speculation of a ninth planet. By studying MOND’s effect on galactic dynamics, the researchers found that it predicts the observed clustering of objects in the outer solar system. This suggests that the orbits of these objects align with the galaxy’s gravitational field over millions of years.

While the current dataset is still small, Mathur and Brown believe that their findings provide important insights into the potential of the outer solar system as a laboratory for testing gravity and studying fundamental physics problems. They recognize that other explanations for the observed orbital peculiarities are possible, including observational bias. However, their work highlights the significance of MOND in understanding the behavior of celestial objects and challenges the current understanding of gravity.

The study, titled “Modified Newtonian Dynamics as an Alternative to the Planet Nine Hypothesis,” is available in The Astronomical Journal. It emphasizes the need for further research and exploration in the outer solar system to gain a better understanding of gravity and the fundamental laws of physics.

– Astronomical Journal (

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