Mohamed VI says that “national diplomacy” has promoted the recognition of the Moroccan identity of the Sahara

by time news

2023-11-06 22:33:52

The monarch is in favor of promoting “prospecting for natural resources in the sea” in the cities of the Sahara


The King of Morocco, Mohamed VI, stated this Monday in a speech on the occasion of the anniversary of the Green March that “national diplomacy” has made it possible to promote the recognition of the Moroccan identity of Western Sahara.

“The mobilization of national diplomacy made it possible to strengthen Morocco’s position, increasing international support for its territorial integrity and confronting the maneuvers of adversaries, both apparent and latent,” he stressed.

In this sense, he pointed out that “many countries have recognized the Moroccan identity of the Sahara”, since it is “the only solution for the settlement of this artificial regional dispute”, as reported by the MAP news agency.

The former Spanish colony of Western Sahara was occupied by Morocco in 1975 in the Green March after a transfer agreement signed with Madrid and despite the resistance of the Polisario Front, which proclaimed the independence of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR).

The 1991 ceasefire was signed by Morocco and the Polisario with a view to holding a self-determination referendum, but differences over the preparation of the census and the inclusion or not of Moroccan settlers have so far prevented its call.

The last setback for the Sahrawi independentists was the support of the Spanish Government for the Moroccan autonomy plan made public on March 18 in a letter addressed to the Alawite king, Mohamed VI, a change of position described as treason by the Polisario Front, which recalls that Spain is still ‘de jure’ the administrative power of Western Sahara.


On the other hand, the monarch has identified several key challenges to encourage “the development, modernization and construction” of the country. “Our objective lies in transforming the Atlantic slope into a space of human communication, economic complementarity and continental and international radiation,” he said.

To this end, he has pointed out that it is vital to finish the megaprojects that are being carried out in the southern provinces, as well as “establish connectivity between the different components of the Atlantic coastline.”

Likewise, in order to encourage the “economic progress and urban expansion that the cities of the Moroccan Sahara know”, it is essential to work on “the prospection of natural resources in the sea”, as well as investment in maritime fishing and desalination of sea water.

The president of the Government of the Canary Islands, Fernando Clavijo, assured in October that “the Canary Islands cannot be a mere spectator” while Morocco insists on its interest in promoting oil prospecting in waters near the island.


In the same way, Mohamed VI explained that “the African Atlantic slope” has “specific shortcomings in terms of infrastructure and investments”, which is why he has valued the gas pipeline project between Morocco and Nigeria.

Likewise, the monarch has proposed the launch of an international initiative to make the Atlantic accessible to the countries of the Sahel. “Morocco is willing to put its road, port and railway infrastructure at the disposal of these brother countries,” he added.

“The problems and difficulties that the brother countries of the Sahel region are experiencing cannot be resolved by resorting solely to the security and military dimensions, but rather by adopting an approach based on shared cooperation and development,” he added.

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