Money can also be seen in glue making: big return on low investment

by time news

Money can also be seen in the production of glue. This self-employment will help you to get big income with less investment.

Today’s educated youth are looking for jobs in government jobs or private corporates. It gives a helping hand to many in their endeavors. Some people don’t give a hand. Some end their lives because of the fear of not getting a job. Some people are still trying to get a good paying job no matter how old they are.

But many of us don’t know how much business can be done with less investment. Believe in self-employment. When you start self-employment like that, you will get a lot of income. It is a fact that we can also employ some people.

In that way, it is a business glue product that can generate a lot of income with less investment. People who are interested in starting a self-employed business can easily succeed if they keep in mind the need and nature of the product they are going to make. In this way, we will learn about the production of sticky glue, which is a raw material for many industries, in this article.

Adhesive glue is used as a raw material in the production of many products such as bag and carton making, textiles, firecrackers, art and decorative products.

Traditional paper glue, waterproofing glue, glue powder, resin, white milk glue, polymer compounds, PVA There are many types of glues such as glue, silicate, resin, carpenter’s glue, flour glue, starch glue, titanium muscle, wood resin casein glue. These types vary according to the method of drying and the stickiness of the material. Maize, tapioca or wheat flour can be used as raw material for gum production. These are the basis of glue making. These can be used depending on the type of glue you choose.

The manufactured glue can be marketed wholesale and retail. It can be manufactured and sold in the name of bulk order through factories, large stores, manufacturing plants and online. You can start a glue manufacturing business by getting grants or loans through government schemes like NEEDS and STAND UP. Due to the high demand for adhesives, even small scale production can generate substantial income.

How to make glue at home at home

B.V.A. Materials required for making glue.

Wheat flour 100 grams,

1/2 liter of water,

Gelatin 5 g Glycerol 4 g

Ethanol 10 mg


Gelatin should first be liquefied and then steamed. Once the gelatin is completely dissolved, add the wheat flour little by little and stir without lumping on low heat. Once the mixture thickens, remove it from the oven and add glycerol and ethanol. This mixture can be used as paste after it cools well.

If the glue is diluted after preparation, its quality will be affected. To avoid this you can pour water in a container and place another vessel on top of it and pour the diluted glue mixture in it and heat it till it boils.

The production of glue does not require huge investment. It is worth noting that you can get the income you need to support your family with less investment.

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