2024-07-10 18:56:30
This development is attributable to the slowdown in the growth of bank credit to the non-financial sector to 4.5% after 5.1% and official reserve assets to 5.1% after 8.4%, BAM specifies in its bulletin on monetary statistics for the month of June 2023.
On the other hand, net receivables from the Central Administration (CA) saw their rate of increase accelerate to 14.9% after 9.4%, adds the same source.
By component, the deceleration in annual growth of the M3 aggregate mainly reflects the slowdown in the growth of sight deposits with banks to 8.7% after 9.1% and in holdings by economic agents in monetary mutual fund securities from 34.4% to 19.4% in June.
It also reflects the accentuation of the decline in term accounts of 3.5% after 2.7% and the acceleration of the growth of fiduciary circulation to 16.3% after 12.4%.
By institutional sector, the evolution of M3 essentially reflects the slowdown in the growth of household monetary assets to 6.4% after 7.3%, reflecting the deceleration in the growth of their sight deposits and the accentuation of the decline in their term accounts.
It also reflects the deceleration in the growth of monetary assets of private non-financial companies to 7.1% after 9.6%, with the virtual stagnation of the growth of their sight deposits and the deceleration of the growth of their holdings in monetary mutual fund securities.
2024-07-10 18:56:30