Moni Ovadia returns for the protest and new Neapolitan projects

by time news

twelve o’clock, April 16, 2021 – 2:01 pm

The actor will be at the Mercadante in Naples to support the needs of show business workers and for a new show: The situation in which the world of culture lives is the mirror of what you want in Italy: an increasingly ignorant country

of Stefano from Stefano

(ph Carlo Lannutti Lapresse)

NAPLES Sar in Naples to participate in one of the “Friday d ” a freva” organized in Piazza Municipio, in front of the Mercadante, by the Coordination of workers of the show of Campania. On that occasion, however, I will also speak with my friend Roberto And, director of the building. with whom we will soon return to make a show together.

Moni Ovadia, the actor of Jewish origin born in Bulgaria but raised in Italy, traveling by train, as has often happened to him for some time, divided between Milan, where he resides, and Ferrara where he was appointed director general of the Theater municipal. Without considering the trips to other corners of Italy where there is a need for his strong and clear voice to support a sector, that of live entertainment, brought to its knees by anti-covid closures.

I am fighting this battle – continues Ovadia – not for my personal interest, at my age there is retirement, to which this new activity at the Ferrara theater must also be added. But I am equally furious, because the situation in which the world of culture and theatrical and musical activities lives today is the faithful mirror of what one wants in Italy: a country that is increasingly ignorant and therefore more easily controlled.

Yet the closure measures were not born by chance, but under the pressure of an unprecedented emergency.
an alibi – he replies – because, as I will say in a couple of weeks in Naples, rooms where it was possible to work in absolute safety, with 40% of the attendance and with the necessary distance, have been closed. We have been equated with bars and discos, where gatherings are instead a rule.

And despite this, the refreshments for the sector imagined so far do not seem effective.
We ask the government to behave like in Germany and France, and to President Mattarella to do like Merkel and declare the centrality of the role of entertainment and culture, the true cornerstones of the identity of a country, especially like ours. I can’t think of how many workers, and I’m not referring to famous actors and directors, but to lesser-known ones, technicians, set designers, costume designers, light givers, transporters and so on, are in real trouble today, with families on the shoulders to which no guarantee can be offered.

A fight against time therefore, in the hope of being able to return to normalcy as soon as possible.
And for this – concludes – Ovadia – that I want to put myself forward. For a long time I have cultivated the idea of ​​dedicating a show to Bruno Schulz, a Polish Jewish writer and painter, as brilliant as Franz Kafka, killed in 1942 while returning home to a German Gestapo officer. And having already worked four times with And, we thought of doing something together, perhaps in co-production between the Teatro di Napoli and the Comunale di Ferrara, in order to be able to present it in both cities in 2022.

April 16, 2021 | 14:01

© Time.News


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