Monkey pox continues to circulate, 10 positive tests in recent weeks

by time news

AP Productions | Bron: ANP


The monkeypox virus has still not disappeared from the Netherlands. The virus has been diagnosed in ten people in the past two weeks. That’s the highest number since late September, though the numbers are tiny compared to the surge’s peak in July. A total of 1247 people have now tested positive, reports the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM)

In the province of South Holland, six people have tested positive in the past two weeks. Three infections came to light in the ‘North Holland and Flevoland’ region and one person in the East region (Overijssel and Gelderland) was told that the virus had been diagnosed.

Transgender people and men who have sex with men can have themselves vaccinated against the monkeypox virus as a preventive measure. They are eligible if they are HIV positive or if they take medicines to prevent them from contracting HIV. Nearly 18,000 people have been vaccinated so far and just over 11,000 of them have also had the second shot. About 1700 people have been vaccinated in the past two weeks.

The monkeypox virus appeared in the Netherlands at the end of May. People who contract the virus may first experience fever, headache, muscle aches, swollen lymph nodes, chills and fatigue. After a few days, they also develop a rash. Within a few weeks, the symptoms disappear. The vast majority of people heal on their own.

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