Monkeypox extract news Medical Genome Center Accelerate the development of infection detection kits

by time news

Today (23 May 65) the page of the Medical Genome Center, Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University revealed that the whole genome of the monkey pox virus has been decrypted. Help in laboratory diagnostics And it will help answer the question of why there are concurrent outbreaks of monkeypox in more than 100 countries outside Africa. (This is considered endemic) in Europe, the United States and Australia.

One passage states that Medical Genome Center is ready to support government agencies. They can receive specimens that have been successfully extracted from nucleic acid purification to help decode the genes. This is to reduce the cost of screening large samples in the event of a future outbreak of the smallpox virus. at the Medical Genome Center A 40-location probe is being developed on the genome of the monkey pox virus. (to prevent false positives and negatives) takes approximately 2 weeks to develop.

In the past three days, there have been reports from the WHO of confirmed cases of lab results. and more than 100 suspected infections from 12 countries, there is no clear answer as to why there are concurrent outbreaks at this time. It was found only through transcription of the entire genome of the monkey pox virus that was found in Portugal and Belgium in May 65, it turned out to be a West African strain and closely related to the monkey pox virus. Previous outbreaks from Nigeria to several European countries between 2018 and 2019, including the United Kingdom, Israel and Singapore, now have vaccines and antivirals that are thought to be effective in preventing and treating smallpox. But may need to re-evaluate from actual use today.


Smallpox or monkeypoxD is caused by a virus with a double-stranded DNA genome, a virus almost as large as a bacterium (size 281 ± 18 nm × 220 ± 17 nm), more advanced than other viruses. until they can multiply in the cytoplasm of cells like bacteria not in the nucleus like normal viruses It has a much lower mutation rate than the 2019 coronavirus due to the virus’ own enzymes that fix the mutation location on the genome. The proof-reading enzyme is not a serious infectious disease compared to the smallpox virus, which has a mortality rate of up to 30%. Monkeypox infected people develop fever and blisters and pustules. and later there is a scab scar

The two main species are the Congolese, which are more severe. with up to 10% of deaths, and the West African species with a mortality rate of 1%, most of them heal on their own. Species with reported outbreaks in Europe, America and Australia. At this time, genetic decoding reveals that it is a mild West African species. Most are transmitted from rodents or wild monkeys from Africa to humans through animal bites or scratches. touching sick or eat uneaten wild animal meatg

The genome of the monkey pox virus is composed of base sequences (A,T,G, or C) arranged alternately around 196,858 positions or letters. phylogenetic analysis A phylogenetic tree from the whole genome code indicates that the monkey pox virus, the 2022 outbreak in Portugal and Belgium, is from West Africa and is most closely related to the monkey pox virus transmitted from Nigeria visited several European countries between 2018 and 2019, including the United Kingdom, Israel and Singapore.


If suspected outbreaks of smallpox in humans occur in the country in large numbers. Relevant agencies can “swap” the saliva or pus from the wound blister. The genetic material is extracted (nucleic acid purification) and sent to the Medical Genome Center. To join together to help decode the genetics.

Recently, the entire genome of the monkey pox virus has been successfully decrypted in Portugal and Belgium. The Center for Genomics has used the genetic code as a blueprint to create a simultaneous test for 40 monkeypox virus genomes to prevent false positives or negatives (unlike PCR, which tests for monkeypox virus). 1-2 genome locations) It takes approximately 24 hours with “Massarray genotyping” technology. 100 samples can be detected per day. with lower cost than whole genome transcription The cost and duration of the test are not different from the PCR test used to screen for the novel coronavirus disease 2019. Genome Medical Center Massarray genotyping is expected to be completed in about two weeks, but it is hoped that there will be no outbreaks of monkey pox in Thailand.

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