Monkeypox: WHO activates maximum alert

by time news

About a year ago, the May 7, 2022was activated health alert because they started registering infections of monkeypox or monkeypox. At the time it was believed that this disease affected only the males. However, it is known that they have also already been registered cases of contagion in women.

It is estimated that the Affected women are between 40 and 60 years of agepresenting fever, dolor muscular, sore throat y exanthema. However, something that has caught the attention of researchers is the form of propagation. Everything seems to indicate that the sexual intercourse are the watershed in this condition that mainly affects men.

How do I know if I have monkeypox?

Monkeypox: everything you need to know about this disease. Photo: iStock

He Manual Merck indicates that it is not known origin of monkeypox. Although it is called monkey pox, it does not reside in apes. It is believed that transmitted by small rodents or squirrels from the tropical jungles of Africa. One theory is that it increased because people no longer receive the smallpox vaccine (which helped prevent the spread of monkeypox).

In 2003, there was an outbreak of monkey pox in United States. It all happened when rodents with the virus were imported from Africa. Sick animals passed the virus to prairie dogs, which then infected people.

It is probably transmitted illness from contact with bodily fluids of the infected animal.

How serious is monkeypox

Monkeypox: everything you need to know about this disease. Photo: iStock

Los symptoms are similar to those of the smallpox.

starts with fever and chills. After 3 days of these symptoms, rashes appear (usually starting on the face and spreading to the body).

Hay headache, muscle pain, back pain and extreme fatigue.

In the monkey poxthe lymph nodes become inflamed.

Las stains they turn into blisters that have pus

This disease lasts from 2 to 4 weeks.

The advisor on Disease Prevention and Control of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and epidemiologist, Enrique Pérez, points out “this disease manifests itself with pustular rash and it is a systemic disease that can vary from a mild form (…) to a more serious illness and even death.”

Pérez points out that it can be transmitted:

By means of large exhaled drops.

When there is skin lesions.

Through the respiratory tract, eyes, nose or mouth.

Las stool They can also be a route of transmission.

The first countries to report infections were:

Portugal reported that on May 17, 5 cases were detected in men between 20 and 50 years of age. The next day, 9 more cases were identified.

In spain, the alert was activated on May 18, when 8 suspected patients infected with monkeypox were detected. Over the hours, the number has risen to 23 cases.

The same May 18, in USA a case of monkeypox was confirmed. This is a man who traveled to Canada and has already been hospitalized.

The peculiar thing about these cases is that they are all sexually active adult men, with other men (in some cases); points out the general director of Public Health of the Community of Madrid, Elena Andradas.

What to do if I have monkeypox

If you suspect that you have monkeypoxit is best to seek medical attention immediately and alert people who have been in contact with you, to prevent the contagion from spreading.

Here are some steps you can take if you have monkeypox:

Aislate: If you have monkeypox, it is important to isolate yourself to prevent the disease from spreading to other people. Keep a distance of at least 1 meter from others.

Wash your hands: Wash your hands with soap and water frequently, especially after touching skin lesions.

treat your symptoms: Your doctor may recommend medication to relieve symptoms such as fever, headache, and body aches.

Avoid contact with animals: Avoid contact with animals, especially rodents and primates.

Follow your doctor’s instructions: Follow all the recommendations and treatments provided by your doctor.

How long does monkeypox last?

He incubation period from monkeypoxthat is, the time from contracting the virus to the appearance of the symptoms, varies from 5 to 14 days in most cases. Monkeypox symptoms usually last 2 to 4 weeks.

During the first week, the symptoms can include feverheadache, dolor muscular and body, fatigue, sore throat and swollen lymph nodes. They can also appear blisters y skin lesions on the skin, resembling those seen in smallpox, but generally less severe.

In the second week, skin lesions usually develop and spread throughout the body. After the second week, the skin lesions begin to scab over and heal.

It is important to highlight that the monkeypox it can be a serious illness, especially in people with weakened immune systems.

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Contrary to what was initially believed, the monkeypox affects both men and women; although the most affected are them. What is that due to?

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