This was announced by Vidmantas Genys, a keeper of the heritage of the post-war struggles for freedom, from Jurbarki.
“I can barely contain my emotions, today 09/08/2024 in Globių Forest, Jurbarka district, during an educational event for motorcycle drivers, you will be interested in post-war Lithuanian partisan battles between 16:00/16:30. a desecrated monument to the memory of the partisans was found.
The commemorative plaque is painted red. In a short period of time, forest thinning works were carried out in this forest block. Tomorrow I will apply to Jurbarkas RPK”, the man wrote on the social network.
This is not the first time that monuments to partisans have been vandalized in the area. In the fall of 2022, concrete double crosses marking the places of death of partisans who fought against the Soviet occupiers were broken in the same Globii forest. Later, the crosses were restored by the efforts of the Lithuanian Genocide and Resistance Research Center and enthusiasts.
February 3 of this year. it was noticed that in the forest, not far from Žirniškių village. (Jurbarkų sen.), desecrated memorial of the Lithuanian freedom defenders camp site: damaged commemorative plaque, broken candlesticks, scattered flowers, painted inscriptions.
Not only the memorial cross in the deep forest with a commemorative plaque for the partisans Broniis Galvonas, Unčius and Juoz Povilaičius Ažuolus, who died here in 1946, was destroyed, but also the reference to this place.
Vandals painted the letter Z on the commemorative board with red paint, which is one of the symbols of the Russian army that started the war in Ukraine. He also wrote the words “Slava Ukraini” with paint. They also threw away the flowers placed here, broke the candlesticks.
All the places where the monuments dedicated to the memory of the partisans were destroyed are far from the main roads. Therefore, the vandals had to know where and why it was happening, to specially prepare for the destruction of objects.
Law enforcement has not yet determined who organized the attacks against the monuments commemorating the struggle for freedom.
2024-09-10 07:48:26