Monzino turns 40. National reference point for cardiology

by time news

The Monzino Cardiology Center celebrates its 40 years of activity, in the presence of the President of the Lombardy Region, Attilio Fontana, and of the Mayor of Milan, Giuseppe Sala.

“In December 1981, Monzino, born from an intuition of Professor Cesare Bartorelli and the generosity of the Cavaliere del Lavoro Italo Monzino, opened the doors to the first patients, thus starting a virtuous path that, in four decades, led him to become one of the best examples of healthcare both in Italy and in the world. On this path he has never betrayed his identity as a “hospital born for poor people”, as Monzino called it, with a special spirit of welcoming the patient inspired by the founders’ profound sense of social responsibility “- he declares Carlo Buora, President.

Certificates of excellence

«Today Monzino is the first Italian hospital and among the best in the world in cardiology in the World’s Best Specialized Hospitals 2021 ranking, compiled by Newsweek. At a national level, according to data from the Lombardy Region, in the last four years it has firmly placed itself among the top three major players in the main types of cardiovascular surgery: heart valves, angioplasty, ablation and repair of heart and implant septal defects. of cardioverter / pacemaker. Furthermore, according to the Agenas National Outcome Program, Monzino has been for years the best Italian center for coronary angioplasty, with 2,403 procedures carried out in 2019 ”- he says Mauro Melis, Chief Executive Officer.

“Despite its international and national role, Monzino remains the”Heart Hospital of Milan“And Lombardy. – continues Melis – On average, 80% of patients come from our Region, a percentage that rose to over 90% in the Covid era due to the function of the main regional cardiological HUB, which the hospital assumed during the pandemic. In its role as HUB, Monzino confirmed its strategic importance for regional healthcare: it was fundamental in dealing with the emergency and established collaborations, which still persist, with public and private spoke centers. At the same time, not even during Covid did the expansion of the technology park stop, which over the years has made the current Imaging Department one of the most advanced in Europe. “

«To accompany the hospital’s constant growth while maintaining current standards of excellence, we will continue to invest in cutting-edge technologies and will devote ourselves to the expansion and modernization of the facility. We will renovate the main building and we will build the “Monzino 3”, a new building with 5 floors above ground to expand and rationalize existing spaces, with an investment of € 17.5 million over 6 years. At the same time, from an organizational point of view, we will enhance the telemedicine services and accelerate the “Monzino Digital” project, anticipating the identity of the hospital of the future, which can only be “e-hospital”»- Melis concludes.

The future

«Monzino’s fortieth birthday falls in a year of flowering of scientific research and a breakthrough for the treatment and assistance of cardiovascular patients. Monzino’s research activity in 2021, in which around 8 million euros were invested, had a strong increase during the pandemic, producing 391 scientific publications, which reached an impact factor of 2.663. Covid-19 has opened up new scenarios that are changing the approach to some important cardiovascular diseases. Monzino’s studies have made a significant contribution in modifying current cardiological clinical practice »- states Giulio Pompilio, Scientific Director. «The new frontiers are fascinating and go in the direction of high definition cardiology, that is to say therapies applied to the single individual in a highly personalized way. The cardiology of the future – continues Pompilio – will receive a strong impetus in this direction, both from experimental and clinical research and from technological development. And this has been, from the beginning, the Monzino model and one of the keys to its success: combining clinical, research and technology with a holistic approach. Our forty-year history speaks for itself for the contribution that Monzino has made both to clinical cardiology and to experimental cardiology. A recent example is introduction into European guidelines heart failure of “MECKI” risk score, developed here at Monzino. Or the leadership role that the Center has played internationally in advanced cardiological diagnostics, both from a technological and a clinical point of view. On the experimental front, Monzino has played a leading role in many areas, such as atherothrombosis, cardiomyopathies of genetic origin, advanced therapies, precision cardiovascular prevention. The watchword for entering the future is integration between different fields of knowledge – biology, clinic, bioengineering, bioinformatics, biotechnology – and among the related professional figures. Monzino will once again be an engine of this transformation for the benefit of our patients ».

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