mood swings Easily frustrated.. Warning signs that a 45-year-old woman is entering her golden age

by time news

3 signs such as hot flashes, mood swings, irritability It may be a warning sign to enter the golden age, suggest 5 tips, prepare to cope, or seek advice. and health check-up at the golden age clinic near home

women in the near term and after menopause which during the age of 45-55 years when entering the golden age will find changes in the body especially the functioning of the ovaries that produces female hormones is greatly reduced resulting in irregular menstruation until the end of menopause If the menstrual period is missing for 1 year, then the ovaries has stopped working considered to have entered the golden age completely Causing health problems to follow. Observed from 3 signs indicating the symptoms of menopause.

1. There will be hot flashes on the body and chest, mood swings, irritability, sweating, especially at night.
2. Vaginal dryness, dry skin, frequent urination or urinary incontinence, insomnia, decreased sexual desire and sensation.
3. Diseases caused by the deterioration of the body with age, including cardiovascular disease. belly fat high blood pressure hyperlipidemia insulin resistance and diseases of the musculoskeletal system

health care to cope with entering the golden age women can follow the instructions in 5 ways

1. Eat food from the 5 food groups and focus on eating foods high in calcium, such as milk, yogurt, white sesame seeds, black sesame seeds, small fish, green leafy vegetables, etc. Calcium is taken to strengthen bones. to prevent osteoporosis and eat foods that contain phytoestrogens, including dried beans especially soybeans or soy products in moderation It will help reduce hot flashes. of postmenopausal women

2. Reduce starchy food, oily food, fried food, salty food, sweet water, tea, coffee or foods containing caffeine. Because it can cause mood swings. And more anxious. It also helps to control the weight, not causing belly fat. Prevent cardiovascular disease high blood pressure as well as should refrain from alcoholic beverages and refrain from smoking

3. Exercise to strengthen muscle mass. and give the body some sunlight to help create vitamin D Which helps in the absorption of calcium, such as brisk walking, cycling, swimming, yoga, Chinese boxing dance when older. Do not exercise that uses shock. especially the knees that carry a lot of weight It may be the cause of osteoarthritis of the knee.

4. Get enough sleep. At least 6-8 hours a day will help improve memory. Make it healthy, have a long life

5. Know how to relieve stress. clear the mind

If such symptoms are found to be more severe. or affecting daily life Able to attend the golden age clinic Health Promotion Clinic which will provide counseling services about the symptoms of menopause and provide general physical examination services such as weight, height measurement, blood pressure measurement Check blood sugar and fat bone density check Cervical cancer screening and breast cancer screening to assess symptoms Get the right advice on prevention, treatment and self-care. as appropriate

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