Mordechai Ben David bids farewell to his deceased friend: “I feel sorry for you, brother”

by time news

This week, the late Rabbi David Menashe, one of the loved ones of the Old City, passed away. On the roof overlooking the heavenly Temple Mount, and the words of the Torah flowed from it like a rising spring “

Farewell to a dear man: The late Rabbi David Menashe from the Old City of Jerusalem, one of the rabbis of the French community, passed away this week at the age of 77 after an illness.

“With great sadness and with a heavy heart I arrived this morning with the bitter news, about the death of my beloved friend the noble clan who won the battle of thousands for our Father in heaven, in his wonderful lectures in France and all over the world – the Kabbalist Rabbi David Menashe,” says Ben David.

The singer also says: “I got to know him for many years, his house was wide open to everyone and also for me he opened his house with a roof for the recording of the famous campfire in the Jewish Quarter in the Holy City of Jerusalem.”

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“It is difficult to describe the warmth of his heart. For many years he used to pray at the Western Wall as a veteran on weekdays and Saturdays. “Mordechai Ben-David recalls longingly,” Sometimes when he could not wait for me for some reason, he would send one of his kind sons, who waited patiently until we finished the prayer to lead me through the tangled alleys of the quarter until we arrived safely. “

The late Rabbi David Menashe. From the campfire in the Old City.

“Great are the righteous in their death more than their lives. I am sure you will recommend well to the wonderful family and to all the near and far friends, who will give them D. strength and strengthening in faith for all kinds of salvation and good influences.”

“And he swallowed up death forever, and wiped away four tears from off every face, and his people shall be cut off from the face of all the earth: the Malbim interprets the verse thus; Whoever swallows these false beliefs, “death” – will die the people of Gog who are then on Mount Zion, he will “swallow” the false belief “forever”, that by seeing the overthrow of Gog and the plague that God will then inflict on the oppressors of Jerusalem, they will immediately return to faith God and they will know the religion of truth, “and protest” – that they will not weep then for those who fell in the war of Gog and Magog and those who stumble from God because they will know that it was in their favor for them to know the religion of truth, ” “Hope for salvation? Your hope has not been lost and there is no salvation for you in God. So is a cousin.

Mordechai Ben David. From the campfire.

“I feel sorry for you, my brother Jonathan, you are very pleasant to me, from the depths of the painful Delba, your friend Mordechai Ben David.”

Producer Sharon Daniel, who co-produced the album Komzitz with Yidel Verdiger, who inspired many projects that followed, adds: “Rabbi Menashe opened his home and heart for us, without him we would not have been able to make the first DVD album in the history of Jewish music.” “A huge initiative by Mordechai Ben David that is still engraved in the hearts of us all, Rabbi Menashe’s location was closest to the holiest place for the Jewish people. His amazing personality shone a great light on many, and won many battles for their heavenly Father.” So is Daniel.

The late Rabbi David Menashe dances in the legendary Komzitz.

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