More abstract concepts need to be defined

by time news

2023-08-02 08:04:10

The idea of ​​Human Rights can never be rejected, because in its concept it implies those inherent to all the members of the human race, who because of it are inseparably united. However, for practical reasons they need to be divided into areas, due to simple logic: if they are not limited and separated, the simple concept can take that unit to extremes, not only inconvenient for society, but even contrary to its survival and the of the same human race. In other words, they are not indivisible and doing so ironically helps not to lose the support and above all the understanding of all the members of some of these divisions.

Accepting to cede decision on Guatemalan laws to international entities now proves to be a mistake.

Mario Antonio Sandoval

In Guatemala, the decisions made by international human rights entities are superior to the Constitution itself. It was decided like this since 1986, and for this reason they cannot be pointed out as a ruse of any of the following governments. But the door is opened to the legal discussion about the limits and applications of sovereignty, that is, the political right of each country to have its own internal laws and those of application in the international field, whose change also has legal ways of doing so. . Analyzed with 2023 criteria, the explanation may be wrong or false, because the world environment regarding the scope and meaning of such a simple concept, out of difficulties and complications. But it really is very complicated.

It is worth remembering the spirit of that decision. Guatemala had gone through a long period of human rights violations perpetrated by the State. Those caused by insurgent groups, therefore outside the State, were not included in the law, although they were included in the population segment of victims of the same violations. This caused the belief that it was an issue only applicable to one of the sides. Even with that mistake, without malicious intent, the concept worked and over time it took hold in a large part of the population, although for different reasons. Everything began to change when almost all the damage produced by military governments gradually began again in the regimes generated in relatively free elections led by civilians.

It was a mistake to renounce the country’s right to have its own sovereignty and cede it to an international entity, even if it was only in reference to military governments, who were prohibited from participating as candidates until five years after their last military post. It had a counterproductive effect when the parties multiplied like flies and above all due to the effects of ideologization. As the effects of such a resignation are bad, the dilemma of what to do when among the dozens of parties the State becomes one of them and those who integrate it suddenly discover a “problem” of Democracy, regarding the organs of the State, already turned into instruments to trip up all political adversaries, for the simple fact of being so.

Given this scenario, the question of what to do arises. Socrates, five centuries before Christ, poisoned himself by order of an unjust legal system and, in today’s terms, a violation of his supreme human right: that of life. And he did it conscientiously, so as not to betray his ideas. As long as he was in force, he obeyed her. In human rights, this should not be applied, but it forces us to embrace different philosophical criteria. The seriousness of what happened in Guatemala increases the uncertainty regarding who will receive the presidency – not just win the elections. That is why on August 20, 18 days from now, Guatemala will be a beach where all Guatemalans —voting or not— will draw a deep line in the sand with the sword of their vote.

#abstract #concepts #defined

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