“More coordinated and ready for the next campaign”: IDF finishes ‘Fire Chariots’ exercise

by time news

The “Chariots of Fire” exercise – which simulates the IDF’s war month, came to an end today (Friday). In the northern arena.

In addition, the readiness of the naval arm was tested, exercises were held to strengthen and protect the home front, the transfer of logistical equipment in combat conditions, preparations for deployment of forces and effective air defense. In addition, the Air Force performed the ‘Lethal Arrow’ exercise, in which all corps units participated and practiced combat in the northern arena, and the steel engineer performed an exercise in the northern contour and was intended to prepare the division’s forces for ground maneuvering in the next campaign.

IDF soldiers in exercise of fire chariots (Photo: IDF Spokesman)

The Central Command practiced intense operational scenarios and the fight against terrorism, while continuing operational activities at all times as part of Operation Breakwater. During the week, various scenarios were practiced in the naval arm and a multi-arena logistical network was deployed in order to support the forces and give them the opportunity for continuous combat.

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In the past week, a ‘transition to the horizon’ exercise was carried out in Cyprus, a first and unique exercise of its kind, in which regular and reserve forces participated in the fire alongside squadrons from the Air Force, additional special forces of the Navy and Land Forces and forces from the Intelligence and ICT Division. Cyprus Army.

At the end of the overall IDF exercise, a military parade was held in the port of Haifa with the participation of the Chief of Staff, Major General Aviv Kochavi, the Commander of the Depth Command and the Military Colleges, Maj. Gen.

IDF soldiers in exercise of fire chariots (Photo: IDF Spokesman)IDF soldiers in exercise of fire chariots (Photo: IDF Spokesman)

The Chief of Staff Spring Stars He said: ‘A little while ago we finished a month-long practice, and the last of the fighters have just returned to the dock from Cyprus. I would like to express great appreciation to all the participants in the exercise. I saw you all month long – I saw professionalism, mission and an excellent spirit. We have already begun the process of interrogation and learning, and it can be concluded that there is a deep partnership between the arms and the IDF units, and it is based on mutual trust and friendship. This is power. In addition, the IDF came out of this month with high confidence in its capabilities and performance. “The IDF is more sharpened, more coordinated, modern and ready.”

Head of the Operations Division, Maj. Gen. Encouraged by Sioux: “The IDF is completing one of the most extensive exercises we have conducted over the years. Its purpose was to test the capabilities of the forces and increase the IDF’s readiness for any scenario. The main uniqueness of the exercise stemmed from the ability to challenge all IDF bodies over time in a profound and multi-scene manner, “the IDF is constantly preparing for operations and different systems in different sectors.”

Commander of the Depth Command and Military Colleges, Maj. Gen. With me and Yarov“In the air, at sea, on land, in cyber, in planning, in intelligence, in information technology and logistics, the ‘IDF unity’ was built, which at the end of the day builds the long arm of the IDF and the ability to advance the enemy and danger. We had the great privilege of participating in improvement And in polishing the capacity for the day of command. ‘

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