More expensive gasoline and ethanol: understand what will happen from March – News

by time news

Provisional measure No. 1,157 issued by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, which establishes exemption from PIS and Cofins taxes, comes to an end today, February 28th. As a result, fuel prices should rise by R$0.79 for gasoline and R$0.24 for ethanol. However, the transfer to drivers will depend on distributors and gas stations, which in some cases have already started a round of adjustments. Those who supply diesel may be a little unconcerned about the increase, since diesel oil will be tax-free until December 31 of this year.

However, the federal government intends to establish a new rate for gasoline, burdening fossil fuel, which should become more expensive than ethanol. According to the Ministry of Finance, the re-encumbrance of fuels has a social, economic character and focuses on preserving the collection. It is worth remembering that today the budget deficit is around R$ 170 billion established by law as a license to increase spending, especially social ones.

The new format of the reencumbrance and the new values ​​will be decided between Jean Paul Prates, current president of Petrobras, and Gabriel Muricca Galípolo, Executive Secretary of the Ministry of Economy, who are at the head of the ministry coordinated by Fernando Haddad. The possibility is that part of the increase in rates will be absorbed by Petrobras, since gasoline has a value above the international quotation and, also, that there will be a redistribution of part of the original rates for fossil fuel to ethanol.

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With this, PIS and Cofins per liter of gasoline may represent an increase of R$ 0.70 and R$ 0.33 for ethanol. It is important to emphasize that the measure is for Type A gasoline, which is pure, before being mixed with the legal amount of ethanol.

The government is still studying a way to mitigate the fuel increase already signed once the oil price is below the value considered in Brazil. Experts claim that Brazilian fuel is proportionally higher than what is charged in Europe and the United States.

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According to the Minister of Finance, Fernando Haddad, the recomposition of taxes will yield BRL 28.88 billion to the federal government’s coffers in 2023. In January alone, the government failed to collect BRL 3.75 billion with the provisional measure in force. The Provisional Measure was signed by Lula in early January, shortly after taking office. It is worth remembering that the fuel exemption was established by the previous government, when Jair Messias Bolsonaro was president of the republic.

*With the collaboration Felipe Salomão

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