More kids in the clubs, less kids on the streets

by time news

## 2024-08-12​ 00:00:00

In⁣ Argentina,⁣ clubs ⁣play a vital role ⁢in nurturing athletes.​ This extends far beyond the renowned giants like Boca, River Plate, or San Martín, with countless neighborhood clubs fostering ‍the first sporting‍ experiences of millions of children every day. It’s in these grassroots environments ‍that ‌values like friendship, ⁣dedication, ​and effort are‌ instilled, qualities especially crucial‌ in ‍a nation facing significant social challenges.

At the beginning‍ of the year, Tucumán‘s​ Sports ⁣Secretary, Diego Erroz, emphasized the invaluable contribution of these ⁣clubs to their communities. “The ⁤sense ‍of ⁣belonging that a club‌ provides ​is paramount,” he stated. “When someone feels connected to ⁢a club, they become invested in its success, and the ⁤club in turn provides a⁢ safe and nurturing space for them to ​develop their skills.” He ⁢further emphasized⁢ the need for ​a ‍collaborative approach,​ involving‌ both public ‍and private entities ⁤to support club ⁤initiatives. “Both⁢ parties must be involved because there are‍ clubs ⁤and leaders who believe the state has a responsibility‍ to address ⁣these challenges. The‍ state must be a partner in this journey,⁤ ensuring ‌a⁢ safe and supportive environment.”

This concerted effort would not only‌ benefit the athletes⁤ but also the​ broader‌ community. By empowering young athletes ​to develop their skills within their own neighborhoods, the initiative would prevent unnecessary​ migration‌ and ⁣foster a ⁢sense of ⁤belonging and ownership within the local population.

#kids ⁢#clubs⁣ #streets

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