more military spending and a stop to Russian gas –

by time news

Resolutely strengthen the defense capabilities of the countries of the European Union with a substantial increase in military spending. Reduce to nullify the dependence of European economies on Russian gas, oil and coal, developing alternatives as soon as possible. In the meantime, take action to ensure that especially low-income households and small and medium-sized enterprises do not suffer too severely from the cost of energy unleashed by the war in Ukraine.

Putin violates international law

The draft of the declaration by the heads of state and government of the European Union is almost ready for tomorrow and Friday’s summit in Versailles. The Corriere della Sera he obtained the most up-to-date version of the eve, from which emerge the very clear positions that the twenty-seven governments are preparing to take. The first is of a purely political nature, but can have concrete consequences over time. Russia’s unprovoked and unwarranted attack on Ukraine violates international law and undermines European security, says the statement in the preamble. The governments of the Union therefore formalize their judgment, according to which the Kremlin is acting against the law and inflicts unspeakable suffering on the Ukrainian population. With these words, it looks open in the future the path towards the activation of the International Criminal Court for possible war crimes committed in recent weeks. It is clear that in Europe no one now believes in the possibility of being able to resume a dialogue with Vladimir Putin.

The increase in military spending

For this reason too – reads the draft declaration of the European leaders – we have decided to take greater responsibility for our security. The 27 governments, including Italy and Germany, therefore promise to substantially increase defense spending. The reference envisaged by NATO at the expense of a share equal to 2% of the gross product of each country is not mentioned, but to develop military capabilities collaboratively within the European Union. So probably with purchasing and investment strategies that are increasingly coordinated between the main countries: the text talks about investing more in joint projects and with the joint capacity to place orders in the industrial development of military vehicles.

Hybrid and technological warfare

A particular mention goes to the digital dimension of the geopolitical tension. We must protect ourselves from the ever increasing forms of hybrid warfare – reads the declaration of Versailles – so we must strengthen our rexilience to cyber attacks, protect our critical infrastructures and fight disinformation. Here the reference seems to go to the interdiction in Europe of the media propaganda of the Moscow regime such as Russia Today and Sputnik (which even in recent years have also seen assiduous interventions by Italian journalists and commentators).

Energy, stop dependence on Russian supplies

Then there is the part on energy, centered on the imperative to abandon the dependence on Russian supplies that characterizes in particular in Germany, Italy and in various Central and Eastern European countries such as Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria. The first commitment is therefore to diversify supplies and routes, including with the use of liquefied gas and the development of biogas and hydrogen. Furthermore, the declaration does not limit itself to promising an acceleration in the adoption of renewables and a simplification in the procedures for authorizing them. It also plans to do more in Europe to produce essential components for wind and solar, so as not to make the European Union dependent on China for the supply of photovoltaic panels and raw materials for wind turbines.

The new electricity and gas networks

Then comes a point that had hitherto been controversial for France: the commitment to the improvement of electricity and gas networks in Europe. This is a sensitive aspect because up to now Paris has opposed a strengthening of interconnections across the Pyrenees. It prevents the rest of Europe from accessing the energy supply from the solar industry and from the Spanish regasifiers, which would greatly reduce Italy’s dependence on Russian gas.

Finally, in the section linked to the economy, there is the commitment to improve food security, reducing dependence on imported agricultural products and production factors (fertilizers, ed.). This part of the declaration responds in part to Budapest’s threat to block the export of wheat to the rest of the Union: since Hungary supplies almost a third of Italian imports, the impact would be very severe and would cause prices to rise significantly in the our country.

Recovery Plan and Eurobonds, for now we are not talking about them

In the press release, there is no reference to the idea of ​​extending the Recovery Plan or launching a Eurobond to finance part of the planned expenditure in the energy or defense sector. Not for now, although the subject will be discussed tomorrow and the day after in Versailles. But from the European Union at this stage there will be no opposition to national public spending to respond to the crisis brought about by the war in Ukraine. Our budgetary policies will have to take into account the overall investment needs and will have to reflect the new geopolitical situation, it says.

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