More than 1 million glasses of milk continue to welcome the new school year

by time news

2023-09-07 10:51:44

The program has also completed its goal of donating 1.5 million boxes of milk to children this year.

More joy on the first day of school

In the general atmosphere of “All people take their children to school” day, on the morning of September 5, Cao Thanh Kindergarten (Cao Thanh commune, Ung Hoa district, Hanoi city) organized a Going to School Festival for children. This year, the joy of the first day of school for kindergarten children at Cao Thanh Kindergarten is multiplied with the companionship of the Stand Tall Vietnam Milk Fund. Specifically, all 240 students of the school were given a total of 21,600 Vinamik ADM nutritional milk products by Vinamilk, and will be able to drink milk regularly every day for 3 consecutive months.

Vinamilk representative presented 21,600 boxes of Vinamilk ADM milk to students at Cao Thanh Kindergarten at the opening ceremony of the new school year.

The school’s principal – Ms. Ngo Thi Hoi – said that, nearly 40km from the center of Hanoi, Cao Thanh Kindergarten is located in a purely agricultural commune, so most parents have low income conditions, many families are poor. particularly difficult situation. “Drinking milk every day not only helps children supplement their bodies with necessary nutrients but can also develop well intellectually. Stand Tall Vietnam Milk Fund is truly a very meaningful program. Teachers and parents are also very touched by this kindness from Vinamilk,” Ms. Hoi expressed.

The children of Cao Thanh Kindergarten eagerly received milk boxes during the Back to School Festival.

At the Vietnam – Korea Rehabilitation Center (Hanoi), September 5 is also the day many children return to school after 3 months of summer to return to their families. There are also many children who still stay at school with their teachers because this place is also their home, and the teachers are also their fathers and mothers. That’s why the students’ admission day is not filled with flags, flowers, stages or performances… like other schools. But today, the children still welcome a new school year with joy from uncles and aunts from the Children’s Sponsorship Fund (BTTE) and Vinamilk along with nearly 13,000 boxes of milk given to them.

Stand Tall Vietnam Milk Fund comes to the Vietnam – Korea Rehabilitation Center

According to Mr. Le Cong Vinh – Center Director, the children here are being supported by the city with meals at a cost of 1.76 million VND/month. With this cost, the school can only balance 3 main meals a day, but cannot supplement milk for the children. “With the Stand Tall Vietnam Milk Fund program of Vinamilk and the Vietnam Child Protection Fund, children will have more nutrition from milk, in addition to meals. This is a great encouragement for the children, helping to improve their physical condition and speed up the process of recovering functions,” Mr. Vinh shared.

Fun for every child

In the week before the opening day of the new school year, hundreds of other buses from Vinamilk and the Milk Fund also promptly brought more than one million Vinamilk ADM nutritional milk products to 64 beneficiary locations. From suburban areas to remote islands and mountainous areas, the Milk Fund was promptly present at schools to join children in welcoming a new school year full of energy and excitement.

On behalf of the students of Dong Tien Kindergarten (Dong Tien commune, Co To district, Quang Ninh province), Ms. Nguyen Thi Nga – Principal of the school – emotionally shared: “Due to the impact of storms, the train route The highway connecting Co To island district and the mainland is temporarily suspended. We were very surprised and touched when Vinamilk Company decided to rent a wooden boat to transport milk to our children on the first day back to school. This is not only joy and motivation to help teachers and students try harder in the new school year, but also shows that no matter where they are, Vietnamese children are always loved and given the best things.”

The teachers and students of Dong Tien Kindergarten (Co To district) happily received milk from the Milk Fund on the first day of school.

Reaching Tall Vietnam Milk Fund turns 16, more than 500,000 children have benefited from more than 42 million nutritional products from Vinamilk for the goal of “Let every child drink milk every day”. In 2023, 1.5 million boxes of Vinamilk ADM milk will be supported by Vinamilk for children across the country.

Directly visiting and giving each box of milk to the children during this period, Ms. Nguyen Thi Minh Tam – Director of Vinamilk Hanoi Branch – shared: “The first day of school is always a special day for the children with joy.” When I go back to school, I get to meet my teachers and friends. For children in difficult circumstances and special circumstances, I believe that joy will be greatly multiplied when they can feel the love and care of the community.”

This school year, more than 11,000 children in difficult circumstances will have an additional companion from the Stand Tall Vietnam Milk Fund.

Ms. Vu Thi Thuy Huyen – Deputy Director of Vietnam Children’s Protection Fund, the unit that has accompanied Vinamilk for the past 16 years in the Milk Fund program – assessed: “For mountainous provinces, remote areas, the teacher’s duty Teachers not only stop at teaching but also have to go to each child’s home to encourage and persuade them to go to school. In many places, when there is a Milk Fund program, teachers share with me that students and parents are more motivated to go to class, children enjoy drinking milk, and parents also hope their children can supplement. More complete nutrition. These are great values ​​that the program has reaped over the past 16 years.”

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