More than 13.5 million euros in donations for “Licht ins Dunkel”

by time news

More than 13.5 million euros were collected in the 49th “Licht ins Dunkel” campaign and the 44th TV program on Christmas Eve on ORF up to and including December 24th, 2021, with the active support of numerous celebrities and guards Austrian Armed Forces who helped out on the donation phones in the call center at A1 headquarters all day.

This amount traditionally goes entirely to people with disabilities and families and children in need in Austria, said the ORF in a broadcast.

The “Ö3 Christmas Miracle” brought in 3,937,723 euros in 2021. This is the best result of the campaign so far, in which the “Ö3-Wunschhütte” in Vienna-Heiligenstadt was broadcasting for 120 hours again today. Gabi Hiller, Robert Kratky and Andi Knoll were there again this year. The donations go to the Licht-ins-Dunkel emergency aid fund. In addition, there are at least 410,000 euros from the “Ö3 surprise bag” – the campaign will dispose of old cell phones in an environmentally friendly manner, which brings in cashless donations. The total amount of the “Ö3” donations is 4,347,723 euros.

Federal President and patron of the “Licht ins Dunkel” campaign, Alexander Van der Bellen: “Last year was difficult and challenging due to the pandemic. Cracks are opening up in our community. Let us make sure that we are still in the after this crisis So I ask you to help us overcome the rifts that may have caused the pandemic in the coming year. But what makes me confident is that despite the crisis, people are ready to help others. Help has tradition in Austria. And Licht ins Dunkel ‘is a wonderful example of how successful we are in Austria when we help together. “

In the afternoon broadcast of “Licht ins Dunkel” several live entries were shown in the ORF regional studios, where prominent guests, interesting talks, touching stories, committed donors, unique initiatives, musical performances and examples of how and where everywhere in the across the country was shown.

ORF General Director Dr. Alexander Wrabetz: “Today, with the ‘Licht ins Dunkel’ campaign, we put what we have in common before what separates us. This is beneficial in times when society is deeply divided. The ORF sees it as its task to connect people, and I am proud that we are able to do this thanks to our wide reach. For almost five decades, the ORF has offered a platform where the great willingness of Austrians to help and the professional help of partner organizations can successfully come together. This is how we can live inclusion together. “

Designated ORF General Director Mag. Roland Weißmann: “The corona pandemic has put society to a tough test. With ‘Licht ins Dunkel’ the Austrians are making a contribution towards more solidarity and more togetherness. I am convinced that we will succeed this time too. “

“Licht ins Dunkel” – President Kurt Nekula: “I see today under the sign of shared responsibility for one another. With ‘Licht ins Dunkel’ we all contribute to deepening the understanding of the special situation of people with disabilities more confidence in the positive effect of inclusive life models develops and the awareness of the shared responsibility for socio-economically disadvantaged people in our society grows. “

During the entire day, the winners of the ten main prizes of the ORF vaccination lottery “Whoever vaccinates, wins” were announced. The winner of the main prize was announced just before 6 p.m.: an 18-year-old Salzburg woman is happy about a new dream house that was made available by the ELK company for the ORF vaccination lottery. The lots were drawn on December 21st under the notarial supervision of Mag. Beate Schumacher. The logistics partner of the ORF Impflotterie, Österreichische Post AG, which assumed all shipping and packaging costs, delivered the prizes to the winners in a CO2-neutral manner and ensured that the respective prizes were received by the winners on December 24th. A total of more than 1,700 prizes for the ORF vaccination lottery “Whoever vaccinates, wins” were made available by Austria’s businesspeople.

Donations can also be made after December 24th by calling or texting the free A1 donation phone number 0800 664 24 12 as well as on the Internet at or on Facebook under ORFLichtinsDunkel. All information on donation options can also be found on ORF TELETEXT on page 680. The entire LICHT INS DUNKEL broadcast is available as a live stream and after it has been broadcast on TV for seven days on the video platform ORF-TVthek (http: // TVthek. available as video-on-demand.

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