More than 2.5 million medicines were delivered to health units in Manabí and Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas – Ministry of Public Health

by time news

Manta, February 27, 2023

The Ministry of Public Health (MSP) through the Zonal Coordination 4 of acquired $2.5 million of cataloged medicines to guarantee the supply of the establishments of Manabí and Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas. The acquisition corresponds to 215 purchase orders made so far in 2023.

Among the drugs are medicines for the treatment of chronic diseases, as well as antibiotics, antihistamines, analgesics and anesthetics. Among them, Sevoflurane, essential for sedation during surgical procedures, thus strengthening the surgery service in hospitals in both provinces.

“The medicines were delivered from the zone warehouse to the health centers and hospitals to allow the correct dispensing of drugs in each establishment. With this acquisition we reached a 70% supply at the zonal level”, pointed out María Cecilia Guillén, Zonal Health 4 coordinator.

The authority also highlighted that a budget has been allocated to the Decentralized Operating Entities (EOD), that is, hospitals and district offices for decentralized contracting processes that allow expediting supply times.

In what corresponds to the Portoviejo canton, $170,635 was invested for medical and dental devices, as well as for laboratory reagents destined to supply the 40 first-level operating units, as well as for the Comprehensive Rehabilitation Specialized Center (CERI #3) y the Specialized Center for the Treatment of People with Problematic Consumption of Alcohol and other drugs – To install cetad.


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