More than 2,000 were diagnosed as positive for Corona; The Ministry of Health recommends reducing the list of red countries

by time news

A daily morbidity record in the fifth wave was recorded today (Monday) already in the early evening. By 5:30 p.m., 2,007 positive for Corona had been diagnosed in Israel. The rate of positive tests continues to rise and so far stands at 2.6% today. The number of tests is also relatively high at this time and stands at about 77,000.

This is the first time since there have been more than 2,000 verified per day since October 11th. In fact, if the rate of decoding tests and the positive rate are maintained it is not unlikely that by the end of the day there will be over 3,000 verified. By comparison, the daily verified average last week was 1,296.

The sharp rise in morbidity still does not affect the number of critically ill patients, who now number 84. According to data from the Ministry of Health, close to 87% of the critically ill patients have not been vaccinated at all. In fact only seven are defined as vaccinated and four are vaccinated without validity. Among severe patients who have not yet turned 60, over 95% are not vaccinated at all – which again proves the importance of immunization against corona.

Meanwhile, the director general of the Ministry of Health, Prof. Nachman Ash, instructed today to bring forward the booster to three months after the second vaccination, instead of five months as was customary until today. , And in the omicron strain in particular. “The need to raise the level of immunity among the entire population is growing as quickly as possible, and as can be seen in some Western countries, including Britain, Germany and France, the deadlines for the booster dose have already been shortened.”

It was also noted that the directive applies to all vaccines given in Israel: Pfizer, Moderna and Astraznica, and in any combination. However, the ministry stressed that “it is recommended as much as possible to receive in a third dose the same vaccine as that given in the first and second dose.” Recoverers who want to receive a third dose will also be able to get vaccinated after three months of the second dose.

Tonight, the Ministry of Health announced that the Committee for the Classification of States in the Ministry of Health recommends that the government remove a long list of countries from the red list. However, it was recommended to remove – subject to government and Knesset approval – the following countries from the list of red states:

Germany, Italy, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Morocco, Norway, Madagascar, Seychelles, Uganda, Angola, Ireland, Aswatini, Eritrea, Botswana, Burundi, Burkina Faso, Belgium, Benin, Ghana, Gabon, Djibouti, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Equatorial Guinea, Gambia, South Sudan, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Ivory Coast, Togo, Liberia, Lesotho, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mali, Mozambique, Malawi, Niger, Namibia, Sao Tome and Peru , Senegal, Sierra Leone, St Helena (UK), Chad, Republic of the Congo (Congo Brasville), Comoros, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Kenya, Reunion (France), Rwanda and the Central African Republic.

It was also recommended to put Mexico on the red list – and starting at midnight between Wednesday and Thursday and subject to government and Knesset approval it will join the United Arab Emirates, USA, Ethiopia, UK, South Africa, Hungary, Tanzania, Nigeria, Spain, Portugal, France, Canada, Switzerland And Turkey.

The committee has now determined that the updated criteria for classifying countries as red are 2% verified of those entering the same country in the last two weeks (and no less than 10 verified), and as long as the doubling ratio in verified is twice the previous week – the state will not be removed from the list.


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