More than 22 thousand people have been cured

by time news

2023-07-28 18:00:07

World Hepatitis Day is commemorated every July 28.
During the current administration, more than 2,356,000 hepatitis C screening tests have been carried out in Mexico.
Mexico is recognized in Latin America for the actions to eliminate the infection by this virus.

Hepatitis C remains one of the most frequent infections in Mexico and the rest of the world. However, one of its main drawbacks is that it does not generate symptoms in its initial stages. Therefore there are people who can have the disease for years and not know it.

Despite the foregoing, the Ministry of Health (SSa), through the National Hepatitis C Virus Elimination Program, has treated and cured 22,748 people. In addition, it has carried out two million 356 thousand detection tests during the current administration, informed the general director of the National Center for the Prevention and Control of HIV and AIDS (Censida), Alethse de la Torre Rosas.

Main actions that have been implemented

He also said that the four pillars of the program are: universal and free access to tests and treatments; inter-institutional integration of actions and information; people-centered primary health care approach; and targeted strategies for the most affected population.

He indicated that guidelines and clinical guidelines on hepatitis B and C were prepared based on scientific evidence; the sector increased the number of diagnosis and care units from 42 to 629; and more than 333,000 health professionals received training on issues related to timely detection and early management of hepatitis C.

He explained that there is a system that concentrates epidemiological information, in order to facilitate decision-making focused on the health needs of the population. Similarly, an automated telephone center that allows people to access comprehensive care services and information on the prevention of hepatitis C virus (HCV).

People at higher risk of contagion

Special attention has been given to risk groups, such as people living with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), those deprived of their liberty, and those who are users of psychoactive substances, among others. He explained that more than 78 percent of people living with HIV were screened and registered in institutional platforms, which has made it possible to know the prevalence of HCV in this sector of the population.

He explained that, as a result of the analysis of the information, in Mexico 56 priority municipalities were identified that concentrate the highest prevalence of HCV and in which, with the national program, actions have been taken for its resolution.

The head of Censida indicated that in order to accelerate the elimination of hepatitis C, the focus on public health must be maintained, with resilient systems and the continuous improvement of all the pillars of the care chain.

Through a virtual message, the director of PAHO, Jarbas Barbosa da Silva Jr., highlighted that health professionals have done tireless work in the application of immunization programs against hepatitis B, which has allowed the decrease in mother-child transmission of the virus in Latin America.

He warned that there is still a great challenge in the Americas, since more than 100,000 people die every year from liver cancer and cirrhosis as a consequence of hepatitis B and C; These deaths could be prevented by expanding the supply of tests and treatment services.

He emphasized that PAHO, through its Strategic Fund, is prepared to support countries to expand access to diagnostic tests and medicines, with the aim of maintaining the sustainability of the response to eliminate hepatitis C.

He recognized the key nations in the control of hepatitis C in Latin America: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Mexico, and highlighted that “they have managed to implement a coordinated national response to viral hepatitis and accelerate access to diagnosis and treatment, especially for hepatitis C.”

Also read:

6 Groups of People Who Should Be Tested for Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is curable: Tests for detection and treatment

5 myths and facts about hepatitis C: Is there a cure? Is there a vaccine to prevent it?

#thousand #people #cured

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