more than 2,800 people died, according to the latest report from the Ministry of the Interior

by time news

2023-09-11 20:15:26

Many of you ask us this question. Morocco justifies these choices of whether or not to accept aid from a country by “a careful assessment of needs on the ground and taking into account that a lack of coordination could be counterproductive”. So far, four countries have received authorization to send rescuers (Spain, United Kingdom, Qatar and United Arab Emirates), while others have not received a positive response, as is the case case of UNITED STATES or even the France.

However, in view of the historical relations between the two countries, and beyond the logistical aspect, questions emerge regarding the absence of request for French government aid by Rabat. First, the ties between Morocco and France are certainly historic, but have been strained for several months, to the point that there has been no Moroccan ambassador in France since January 2023.

Also, at the end of September 2021, France announced it would halve the obtaining of visas for Moroccan nationals. Intellectuals and civil society actors then stepped up to the plate, such as the Moroccan Association for Human Rights, which called on France to cease its « arrogance » and to “respect the principle of free movement”. At the end of December 2022, Catherine Colonna, Minister of Foreign Affairs, finally announced the lifting of these restrictions.

Read also: Between France and Morocco, the visas of discord

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In the summer of 2021, seventeen editorial offices, including The world, and Amnesty International revealed the international use of spy software called Pegasus. Morocco, more precisely its intelligence services, was among the powers that spied on French targets. This accusation was the subject of strong denials on the part of Rabat. The Moroccan ambassador in Paris demanded, in the columns of Sunday newspaperTHE “evidence” of the involvement of his country and the establishment of the “materiality of the facts”. Morocco wished to pursue French NGOs and media having revealed or denounced the Kingdom’s recourse to Pegasus, but the Paris court declared the defamation proceedings brought inadmissible.

Finally, Algiers and Paris began a rapprochement in May 2023, following the crisis caused by the reception in France of Amira Bouraoui. This resumption of dialogue should have resulted in the visit of President Abdelmadjid Tebboune in May, ultimately postponed due to insufficient preparations. However, the borders between Morocco and Algeria have been closed since 1994 and Algeria severed its diplomatic ties with Morocco in August 2021, accusing Rabat of “hostile acts”. Also, France has not taken a clear position in favor of Morocco on the thorny issue of the status of Western Sahara, which has become the subject of a diplomatic crisis.

Read also: France’s delicate balancing act in the Maghreb

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Despite this history between Paris and Rabat, the Moroccan Interior Ministry is not officially closing the door to international aid. “if needs were to evolve”. Moreover, French humanitarian aid can be provided via non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The French Secours populaire arrived on site this Monday for a “solidarity mission”supported by “local partners”, according to Jean Stellittano, national secretary of the association for which “we have no authorization to ask”he estimated on Franceinfo.

Ms. Colonna announced aid of 5 million euros for NGOs present in Morocco “so they can work” she declared Monday at the microphone of RMC-BFM-TVensuring that Rabat had not “refused any help” coming from Paris and calling not to create “false controversy” at the time when “people need help”.

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