more than 30 organizations united

by time news

2023-09-08 08:43:59

Suicide is the first external cause of death in Spain. More than 30 associations have joined together to promote a National Prevention Plan.

You are not alone, ask for help. EFE/ Jeffrey Arguedas

September 10 is the World Suicide Prevention Day.

Death by suicide It is the first external cause of mortality in Spain. According to data from the National Institute of Statistics (INE), More than 4,000 people died by suicide in 2021 in the country. However, it is considered that these data is underestimatedthat is The real figures exceed those recorded.

Thus, more than 30 associations, organizations and entities, as well as 7 individualshave come together to promote the creation of a national suicide prevention plan by signing a manifesto.

More than 30 entities have joined in signing the manifesto. EFE / Mauricio Dueñas Castañeda

Who forms the initiative?

They are the National Platform for the Study and Prevention of Suicide y the Telephone of Hope those who have implemented the proposal. They have opened a form so that entities from the field of health and mental well-being who wish to join the initiative.

Thus, the red AIPIS (Suicide Research, Prevention and Intervention Association), PAS Spain (high sensitivity professionals), the Official College of Psychology of Madrid, APSU (association for suicide prevention and support for affected people) the Messengers of Peace Associationo la ANAR Association (help for children and adolescents at risk), among others, have signed the document.

“Let’s make a plan”

The initiative has been called “Let’s make a plan” and consists of a manifest signed by all participants. In addition to emphasize the importance of talking about suicidealso They remember that it is essential to act concretely on a daily basis.

The manifesto is made up of a project presentation, the signature of the participants and from one series of measures as a proposal for the suicide prevention plan at the national level.

He project remains open for all those organizations or individuals who want to unite to promote the creation of a national suicide prevention plan.

“Let’s make a plan” is proposed as an initiative that seeks to join forces among all the associations and professionals who work in the context of suicide in Spain to achieve the creation of a National Plan to deal with this reality”, they affirm from the platform.

More than 30 associations have joined together to sign the manifesto. EFE/ Alejandro Ernesto

Why a national suicide prevention plan?

As stated in the manifesto, There are currently 40 countries in the world, among which Spain is not found, that have a national suicide prevention plan. Some of them are United States, Denmark, New Zealand, Austria, Switzerland, Ireland, Scotland, Germany, Finland or Norway.

“The organizations that participate in this initiative understand that This reality must be a priority for society in general and for political actors in particular. Furthermore, being such a complex reality, It must be addressed in an integrated and planned manner from all related areas; health, education, social services and the third sector, security forces and bodies, emergencies, media… as well as associations and people in vulnerable situations, close people, family members and friends,” they state in the manifesto.

Measures proposed in the manifesto

The plan is divided into three axes of action: prevention, intervention and postvention. Thus, suicide can be approached from all possible facets and at all times.

Also I know propose concrete measures to act on a day-to-day basis:

Sensitize the entire population: to the people most vulnerable to suicide, to companies and big brands.

Advise to the media.

Carry out measures for social networks and digital media.

Boost Primary Health Care.

Caring and attending constantly providing mental health services.

care primary care and focus on social services.

Create protocols in a unitary and integrated manner in the autonomous communities.

Strengthen the most social entities of the third sector.

Improve statistical studies and provide reliable data on suicide.

Creation of a National Suicidal Behavior Observatory.

Improve statistical studies.

Introduce the topic of suicide in undergraduate and graduate curricula.

Empower and promote evidence-based practices.

A multifactorial reality

As you remember in the manifesto, suicide is a multifactorial reality. That is, it does not usually have a single specific cause, but rather there are a wide variety of situations that cause it.

Likewise, they emphasize that It is a mistake to think that it is only people who suffer from a mental health problem who commit suicide. Any person, at any stage of their life, can find themselves in an extreme situation or under exceptional circumstances that leads to suicide.

For these reasons it is important to promote this suicide prevention plan: to act effectively and in advance.

#organizations #united

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