More than 300 members of the scientific community demand an end to eel exploitation

by time news

2023-12-07 12:24:17

More than 300 researchers have supported a manifesto demanding that the Spanish and European administrations completely cease the exploitation of the European eel, in order to avoid the extinction of the species.

On December 10 and 11, the Agriculture and Fisheries Council of the European Union will determine the restrictions on eel fishing. The recommendation that this organization has on the table from the scientific community is, as it was in 2022, clear and resounding: a total ban on eel fishing. Zero catches.

The European eel (Anguilla anguilla) was an extraordinarily abundant fish in Europe and North Africa. However, around 1980 its collapse began, with a decline of more than 90% detectable in all phases of the complex life cycle of the species. The enormous collapse in the number of eels is reflected in the reduction of their distribution area, which in the Iberian Peninsula exceeds 80% in the last 100 years.

The Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), a reference in the evaluation of the conservation status of species on a global scale, considers the European eel a species Critically Endangered (CR). This is the maximum threat level, a step prior to extinction. The European eel is more threatened than the Iberian imperial eagle, Iberian lynx, giant panda or mountain gorilla, species whose poor state of conservation is much better known. However, eel continues to be caught, sold and eaten.

The cessation of commercial activity around eel does not ensure its recovery, since there are various factors involved in its collapse.

Miguel Clavero, researcher at the EBD – CSIC

Science warns that today any use of the eel is unsustainable. “The cessation of commercial activity around eel does not ensure its recovery, since there are various factors involved in its collapse. However, continuing with this use is a guarantee that this recovery will not occur,” he warns. Miguel Claveroresearcher at the Doñana Biological Station – CSIC.

In the near future the European Council of Agriculture and Fisheries will meet, which will determine restrictions on fishing for different species. In principle, decisions are made based on reports from the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES). “In the case of eel, the council has been turning a deaf ear to the recommendation for more than 20 years,” says the scientist.

Since 2000 the recommendation is avoid any eel catch, or take them to “values ​​as close to zero as possible.” But in both 2022 and 2023 ICES has recommended a total ban, which must affect all sizes, all seasons, all habitats and any purpose.

Goal: zero catches

The role that Spain has played, through the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food in the European councils, has been to try to obtain the maximum possible facilities for the exploitation of the eel.

Spain has the opportunity to change its position and bet on saving the eel from extinction

Miguel Clavero

“Spain has the opportunity to change its position and commit to saving the eel from extinction,” declares Clavero. The document that is now supported by more than 300 researchers indicates that the zero catch goal It also implies the control of illegal fishing (eel trafficking is the crime against wildlife that generates the most money in the world) and that it is essential to eliminate any type of marketing of eel products.

The conservation of the European eel also falls under the powers of the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge. From science it is recommended include the European eel in the Spanish Catalog of Endangered Species. The status of the species meets the conditions for this inclusion, and could even be considered a species in Critical Situation (SC), according to the criteria published by the ministry itself.

Fuente: Doñana Biological Station

Rights: Creative Commons.

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