More than 300 participants in the Regional Summit for Initial Education Huila Crece

by time news

2023-09-11 02:48:02

The Government of Luis Enrique Dussán held the first Regional Summit on Initial Education, in the Águila Andina Hall of the José Eustasio Rivera Convention Center in Neiva, an event that raised important reflections among the academic community of Huila that works for boys and girls of pre school.

The Secretary of Departmental Education, Tania Peñafiel, held the official opening of this summit, exposing the actions of the Government of Engineer Luis Enrique Dussan López for the children of the Huila territory.

“It was a moment to reflect, debate and socialize successful plans and strategies throughout the national territory applied to our region, with special guests from the national and departmental levels, with the participation of Unicef, Family Welfare, the Ministry of National Education, the Plan for Children Foundation, institutions that offer us baselines, statistics and key knowledge to continue mobilizing us towards the search for educational quality in our early childhood,” stated Peñafiel España.

“Our boys and girls are not only the future of our department of Huila, but the present of our daily lives and our backbone in the search for regional development; That is why the Huila Crece Government will continue to invest and bet on these educational processes and even more so when it comes to this segment of the population such as our early childhood minors ”, he added.

Through a panel of experts, exponents of different local, departmental, national and international authorities that work for children participated in the summit. Nearly 350 early childhood workers, such as rectors, teachers, directors, Education Secretariats, Icbf, Defebsoría del Pueblo, among others, were present as an audience.

Experts in early education recognized the efforts of Huila Crece

Alicia Vargas Romero, Professional from the Quality Directorate for Preschool, Basic and Secondary Education of the Ministry of Education, said that this summit has a very great impact because they become opportunities for training, reflection and to share experiences among teachers.

“In initial education we have great challenges. It is not enough that the rules are issued, but from practice we have to make transformations. It is necessary to continue moving forward, recognize the experiences of teachers and identify opportunities,” said Alicia Vargas.

“The challenges of the department is to continue teaching training processes, accompanying teachers, linking families in this comprehensive development process, thinking about socio-emotional development as an important element of development, and that happens by recognizing what are my own emotions and how I as a teacher live my emotions and how I live them with my students. So this is a process of personal and professional training,” he added.

Meanwhile, Camilo Peña Deputy Director of Quality of the Early Childhood Directorate of the Ministry of Education, assured that the Government of Huila presents a very interesting balance of the support that has been provided in these 4 years in relation to early education issues.

“I believe that the effort that the department has made is decisive in advancing the development of early childhood children. The challenges that we have as a community in terms of initial education issues is, on the one hand, linking families in these educational processes and making them aware of the importance of children being linked to the educational system in a timely manner and supporting them constantly,” he asserted.

“This type of event helps us all to update ourselves on information of different kinds, normative, technical, achieve exchanges of knowledge and experiences, learn how teachers are doing things and enrich pedagogical practices to offer the best for our girls and boys. ”, confirmed the senior official of the Ministry of National Education.

Early childhood pedagogical experiences

During the summit, 3 significant pedagogical experiences were also presented that filled the event with tenderness.

‘Paulista Friends to the rescue of the environment’ of the Paulo Sexto Educational Institution, González y Cifuentes 1 Headquarters, of the Municipality of Colombia. ‘Sweet Guardians’ from the Bordones Educational Institution of the Municipality of Isnos and ‘Getting to know each other and Learning Together’, from the Marillac Educational Institution, San José headquarters in the Municipality of La Plata.

Anayibe Torres Rojas, Teacher at the Bordones Educational Institution of the Municipality of Isnos, thanked the Government of Huila for this invitation to this early childhood summit.

“We present our educational project, ‘Dulces Guardianes’, which seeks to generate environmental awareness through educational spaces in initial education in the panelero sector of the Bordones educational institution in the municipality of Isnos. It is necessary to work now with boys and girls on the conservation of bees,” said the teacher.

“The Bordones village is a sugarcane sector and in that process many bees die. So we have started a pedagogical process with the parents and with the boys and girls of the educational institution and with the panelero sector to start taking care of our bees, because if they die, the planet ceases to exist”, he added.

Some actions of the Huila Government Grow for early childhood

Technical assistance to improve the quality of initial education for 1,238 preschool, exclusive, and multigrade teachers, with 22 workshops held. Development of 120 Workshops within the framework of the Importance of Initial Education, to 2,568 Parents, allowing the strengthening of the Family-School Alliance for which 117 Educational Institutions were visited School feeding of 12,886 children between 4 and 6 years of age in the school cafeterias and restaurants of the 177 Educational Institutions in the 35 municipalities under the jurisdiction of the departmental government. In school transportation, despite being more of a national competition, the Huila Crece government’s contribution in 2022 was more than $5,000 million. Here some municipalities managed to develop these projects targeting around 21,000 boys and girls. And in 2023, the contribution is more than $12,000 million for which the municipalities carry out contracting and execution processes and with a population to benefit of more than 17,000 minors. In pre-school classrooms, a significant investment of close to $3,189 million, in almost all the municipalities of territorial jurisdiction, for a total of 70 improved early childhood classrooms that optimize educational quality conditions for 2,484 boys and girls, since They are classrooms with special adaptations that promote the motivation and joy of minors towards the learning process and guarantee safe and protective environments for the boys and girls of the department. Provision of school kits, with an investment of a little more than $257 million in more than 170 educational institutions and 223 offices, the majority located in rural areas of the 35 municipalities that are not certified in education that Huila serves. These endowments correspond to didactic game material as a work tool for the development of cognitive abilities and logical reasoning. Expendable material to carry out pedagogical activities in the classroom, fundamental tools for pre-school boys and girls.

Number of visits to this page 451

Publication date 09/10/2023

Last modified 09/10/2023

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