More than 30,000 young Mexicans made a pilgrimage to Cerro del Cubilete

by time news

January 29, 2023 / 3:03 pm

More than 30,000 young people climbed yesterday to the top of the Cubilete hill, in Guanajuato, to ask God for peace in Mexico and demand that the authorities fulfill their responsibility to the country.

The pilgrimage, which turned 40 this year in 2023, was organized by the Testimony and Hope Movement, and culminated in a Mass presided over by the president of the Mexican Bishops’ Conference (CEM), Mons. Rogelio Cabrera.

In his homily, the Prelate affirmed that Jesus wants to walk together with the Mexicans in this situation of violence and poverty.

“When in our prayer we say to Jesus: ‘Don’t you care that Mexico is sinking, that things are going from bad to worse, that there is so much violence and crime, that inequality and poverty are growing? Don’t you mind if we sink?’ To that we must respond: ‘Of course he cares, he is interested, but he wanted to walk with us,’” he said.

He also recalled that peace is built with a new language and with the appropriate actions.

In this sense, he encouraged them to cultivate a merciful look and a language of peace, including in social networks, where there is no peace.

“On behalf of my brother bishops and the Church, I want to encourage you to walk together. Run fast, but you have to know how to wait, walk at the rhythm of the other, you and we must march together, ”he said.

Bishop Cabrera also invited to ask Christ for the sufferings of the sick, the imprisoned and the disappeared, as well as for the families of the deceased.

For her part, the new president of Testimonio y Esperanza, Andrea Perea, demanded that the Mexican authorities fulfill their responsibility so that the population can live in peace, without fear of outbreaks of violence.

“Mexico needs artisans of peace, authentic messengers and witnesses of daily life,” he stressed.

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