These investments are mainly linked to questions relating to the management of water supply and demand, he specified, in a statement to MAP, on the sidelines of the water master classes placed under the theme “Innovative financing models and mechanisms”.
Mr. Sallé de Chou, in this sense, recalled that the region of Guelmim-Oued Noun was the first region of Morocco to benefit from financing from the EBRD, explaining that this financing concerns the purification and reuse of wastewater.
Indeed, the EBRD granted, in December 2023, a loan of 130 million DH (12 million euros) to the region of Guelmim-Oued Noun, with a view to contributing to improving the supply of drinking water in rural areas and the modernization of four existing wastewater treatment plants.
Furthermore, the director of sustainable infrastructure at the EBRD, Sue Barret, welcomed the “major” program developed by Morocco in the area of seawater desalination, shedding light on the various other programs and strategies focused on treatment. wastewater for irrigation of green spaces.
Ms. Barret also highlighted the efforts made by all Moroccan stakeholders in terms of hydraulic infrastructure and investment in water preservation programs, adding that the EBRD works in close collaboration with the various stakeholders. Moroccans, with a view to changing the behavior of citizens and pushing industrial companies to adopt efficient irrigation solutions to reduce water consumption.
The Water Master Classes, initiated by the Cabinet consensus public relations (CPR), include a series of conferences focused, in particular, on “The place of water in the 2030 agenda of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”, “The transformation levers necessary for water efficiency”, “Water at the heart of socially responsible investment”, as well as “The opportunities and challenges of financial training adapted to the water sector”.