More than 550,000 drivers will benefit from the reduction of 20 cents per liter of fuel in the province of Granada

by time news


  • The Plan contemplates measures such as the maintenance of the tax reduction in the electricity bill until June 30, or the limitation of the increase in the rental price to 2% as a ceiling, which may affect nearly 40,000 Granada households
  • The provision for minimum vital income (IMV), which benefits more than 40,000 people in the province, will increase by 15% until June and the number of beneficiaries of the electricity social bonus will increase
  • Direct aid is contemplated for nearly 3,000 companies in the transport sector, some 42,000 farmers and ranchers and for the Motril Fishermen’s Association, which has some 33 boats
  • A new line of 10,000 million in ICO guarantees is approved, which has benefited some 12,191 companies in the province to date, and the loan maturity period and the grace period for the most affected sectors are extended
Inmaculada López Calahorro, deputy delegate of the Government in Granada (Archive)

The National Plan to respond to the economic and social consequences of the war in Ukraine, approved on Tuesday by the Council of Ministers, will have a direct impact on the province of Granada as it includes economic, fiscal, labor and social measures that reach the entire population, with a special impact on sectors that are being particularly hard hit by the consequences of the war in Ukraine and whose objective is, as stated by the sub-delegate of the Government in Granada, Inmaculada López Calahorro, to protect the most affected sectors and citizens, distribute in a fair way the effects of the war and preserve to the maximum the path of growth and job creation already started”.

Economic and social measures

Among the economic and social measures of the Plan, the sub-delegate of the Government in Granada has highlighted the reduction of 20 cents for each liter of fuel, which will mean a saving of nearly 9 million euros, with a direct impact for the somewhat more than 550,000 drivers in the province, which has a fleet of 727,715 vehicles, including passenger cars (486,500), vans (about 60,000), trucks (53,627), buses (1,201), industrial tractors (around 5,000) and motorcycles and mopeds.

On the other hand, the National Plan contemplates the maintenance of the tax reduction in the electricity bill until June 30, with a reduction of VAT to 10%, of the Electricity Tax to 0.5% and the suspension of the 7% tax on electricity generation. The new rule also contains an extraordinary limitation on the annual update of the rent of the main residence, preventing increases of more than 2%. This limitation will be in force until June 30 and will affect nearly 40,000 households in the province of Granada.

The beneficiaries of the minimum vital income (IMV), which in the province of Granada are just over 40,000, will have an increase of 15% in the monthly payments for April, May and June 2022. This increase will also apply, in the same terms, to requests for this benefit that have been submitted on the date of entry into force of the Royal Decree-Law, but have not been resolved, as well as those that are submitted subsequently, provided that the effects of their recognition are not later than June 1, 2022.

In addition, the number of Grenadians who benefit from the electric social bonus will grow, which currently affects some 25,109 people in the province (data from March 29. The rule contemplates the automatic renewal of the social bonus. The discounts of 60% and 70% for vulnerable and severely vulnerable consumers will remain until June 30.

Aid to specific sectors

The National Plan also contains a package of incentives for the transport sector, which will mobilize 450 million in direct aid in the country and will benefit some 3,000 companies in this sector in the province. These aids are articulated according to the type of vehicle: 1,250 euros per truck, 900 euros per bus, 500 euros per van and 300 euros per taxi, VTC or ambulance.

For the agricultural and livestock sector, 362 million euros are contemplated in direct aid that will benefit the 42,000 farmers and ranchers in our province. Likewise, the norm will increase the surface for cultivation by eliminating the fallow obligation and making the diversification of crops more flexible for the planting of legumes and cereals.

As for fishing, 68 million in direct aid is allocated, which will benefit the Motril Fishermen’s Guild, which groups around 33 boats, and the other 15 Andalusian brotherhoods that group around 700 boats. Savings in fuel will mean savings in minimum spending of 16 million euros for the entire national fleet, which will also be exempt from the port fee for fresh fishing for six months. Aquaculture companies will also be exempt from paying the fee for the exploitation of assets in the hydraulic public domain during this period. In addition, in labor matters, fishing companies may benefit from a deferral of Social Security contributions.

For companies in the construction sector, the new regulation contemplates the exceptional revision of prices due to the rise in raw materials and energy in public works, as well as the increase in the maximum revision limit from 20% to 40% of the budget or the consideration of the reference date in the revision of the date of presentation of the offer.

Labor and fiscal measures

With the aim of protecting employment from the impact of the war, in those companies that benefit from the direct aid provided for in the Royal Decree-Law, the increase in energy costs may not constitute an objective cause for dismissal until June 30, 2022. Failure to comply with this obligation will lead to the reimbursement of the aid received.

Likewise, companies that take advantage of the measures to reduce working hours or suspend contracts regulated in article 47 of the Workers’ Statute for reasons related to the invasion of Ukraine and that benefit from support will not be able to use these causes to make dismissals. public. In the province of Granada, some 14,300 workers have been protected by the ERTE since April 2021, 1,198 workers in the past month of January.

The package of measures establishes a new line of ICO credit guarantees for 10,000 million euros, which may be requested until December 31, to cover liquidity needs caused by the temporary increase in the cost of energy and fuel. To date, 12,191 companies have benefited in the province of Granada, to which 20,009 loans of this type have been granted, which adds up to 1.3 million guaranteed and 1.6 million financed.

In addition, the maturity period of the loans guaranteed by the ICO and the grace period for the most affected sectors will be extended. The self-employed and SMEs belonging to the agricultural, livestock, fishing and road transport sectors, especially affected by the increase in energy costs, may request a six-month extension of the grace period or through an additional grace period.

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